
Ludwig Ahgrin - Event Planner Application

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In game Name: Ludwig Ahgrin 

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:452446155

List of warns: 4 warns - 1 ban 

Any previous or current staff experience: Currently a Senior Moderator

Why should we pick you?(200 Word Min): In my opinion, I feel like a creative person. I think of things that others haven't done, take the recent way I play O5. I have my own office that no one knows about, only a select few of Alpha-1, I have my own special codewords and when ever I want to give my Alpha-1 I do it personally. I've never seen anyone else do that as an O5. I like to write small stories revolving around horror and mystery, I would like to take some of these stories into a real event. I feel like I would be able to make good events, especially with the ability to use more things, such as model changing as well having effects. Almost every night when there's about 10 players on, I do small events revolving around a dupe I made being a mysterious long hallway leading to a small office, then a Gman like character talks about some SCP lore stuff and tells the future (such as the world being destroyed) and then explains how to avoid that. (Cale gave me permission) This small event makes downtime actually fun, so players aren't that bored trying to RP when CI constantly raids them. I feel like if I had more things to use, more opportunities will come to make the server more fun. I'm very active, and this allows me to make the server have more fun by doing events when they are needed. I have many ideas for events but I know that I can't do them due to how limited I am with my current permissions, but if I had more, I feel I can improve the server. I feel like I am competent and mature enough to become apart of the Event team because of my current staff rank, as well because I can think outside the box instead of doing "Class-D gun event" (No offense Cale, I actually like your recent event because it actually has a reason why the Class-D have guns). But one more thing, I don't complain, if I get denied I will accept it. If I get demoted, I will accept it, your judgement is that you don't believe I'm fit and I understand that. I know lore and the SCP universe, I understand how crazy the universe can be, but I also know the limits.

Your event plan:
I have multiple event ideas, there is no order on which event I will do. In each part I will either describe a backstory or add small lore to basically understand the situation, then I will describe how the event will go, and lastly I will say what I expect the aftermaths to be. If I am accepted this week, I won't be able to do them everyday due to 2 reasons, I need time to prepare and I have to leave for a few days, I will still do the events but I won't be able to do them daily.



The Clockwork falls


"As Yaldaobath breaks through, his machinery falls. We must rebuild."

In the first event, it depends on a full CotBG, every slot filled. At random an anomaly cog will be dropped from the sky, hoping Church finds the first Cog, they should think nothing of it. But more will fall from the sky, the CotBG’s main goal is to find them, collect them, and try to rebuild their god. Other groups such as Mors Deus and Foundation may also collect the cogs making CotBG try to take them back. After they collect 5 cogs, I will either change myself or someone else trusted into an OP construct. This construct will be ordered by the Church to do whatever they want, raiding Sarkics, Foundation, whatever they need to destroy.

The aftermath of this small event will most likely result in raiding a group, this will make it fun for all groups because of the collection of the cog anomalies. As well Church will be rewarded with its new powerful Construct. After the Construct is destroyed, that will technically be the end of the event. Really simple and fun.In the first event, it depends on a full CotBG, every slot filled. At random an anomaly cog will be dropped from the sky, hoping Church finds the first Cog, they should think nothing of it. But more will fall from the sky, the CotBG’s main goal is to find them, collect them, and try to rebuild their god. Other groups such as Mors Deus and Foundation may also collect the cogs making CotBG try to take them back. After they collect 5 cogs, I will either change myself or someone else trusted into an OP construct. This construct will be ordered by the Church to do whatever they want, raiding Sarkics, Foundation, whatever they need to destroy.

The aftermath of this small event will most likely result in raiding a group, this will make it fun for all groups because of the collection of the cog anomalies. As well Church will be rewarded with its new powerful Construct. After the Construct is destroyed, that will technically be the end of the event. Really simple and fun.


The Anomalous Penta Organization (APO)

The Anomalous Penta Organization is a private military company consisting of 5 anomalous people. They will work with any group as long as they are all paid. But they have deeper secrets.

The event will start with APO starting a base in one of the map buildings, after starting the base they will begin advertising themselves in Surface comms. Hoping any group will be interested, they would have to pay APO 500k for all 5 of them to follow orders from that group. They will keep working as long as it doesn’t break sever rules until they get comfortable with their leader/highest ranking on. They will take the leader as a hostage and try to take over the group, they will say if anyone acts hostile towards them, they will kill the leader. When the people in the group start to follow their demands, their main goal is to take out other groups, basically forcing the group to attack another group (such as Foundation has to raid CotBG or else O5 will be killed). After each group is raided, they will release the leader and then leave through a portal, making the groups attacked damaged.

After the event has taken place, if the leader is still on, they should explain why the raids took place to make sure relations don’t turn hostile. If relations do become hostile, I will make sure to tell the groups to change them back to normal. The APO may be considered a new GoI for SCPRP, but it most likely won’t happen.


A Serpent captured


“I understand what will happen, I accept I will be put in detainment by the Foundation. This situation is bigger, I can’t believe I’m the only one who found out about this. Maybe it’s on some classified paper only the ones with the Level 5 Keycard can see.”



I will be a Serpent’s Hand member, allowing myself to be captured. I hope anyone good at interrogating will be there to talk to me, such as a good HoEA. If he asks why I’m here, I will explain. I was told in a dream that a world-ending anomalous event, the dream was very realistic (hinting to be SCP-990). I will explain what this event is and how to stop it using MTF power. After explaining how the anomalous event will happen, a massive structure will appear, deep loud noises will be heard, sparks of electricity will be coming from the structure. A Foundation system notification will happen to say it’s Apollyon and all units need to go to it. After MTF arrives, a swarm of otherworldly beings will appear and try to kill the MTF (most likely will be Combine NPCs), after the first wave is over, a door will open. Inside will be more of these beings when they are taken care of, another door will appear having a staircase leading up. Floor after floor, until they reach the top. Nothing there except an artifact, this artifact is a globe but it’s inside this orb. At this point I want people commanding the MTF to be creative, think of ways to try and destroy the orb around it, if they think of something good I will delete it. Revealing the globe, the globe will then turn blue, disappearing in front of the MTF’s eyes. At the same time, the building will start to crumble, walls breaking off, floors falling. All inside MTF should run down as fast as they can, while any of them outside should get back to make sure they aren’t crushed. 



After fighting countless enemies, they save the world from this invading force. No one knows their goals, but that just makes it scarier. Maybe they will come back. I hope to see that everyone had fun is this event, even the GoI’s would have joined to help their planet from being destroyed. If I ever do this event, I just hope I don't prop kill a lot of people, but I believe it would be fine.


Dr. Norman Velie

A small event. A Senior Researcher has been missing for 3 years, comes back but there is more to him. He’s become an anomaly and the Foundation tries to capture him but due to his abilities, he runs away. His goal is to find the O5 and talk to him.

I will start by putting something in the Foundation System saying that there is a new anomalous person inside the facility, I will start speaking in comms telling my story of what happened and my new ability. Before the event, I will have talked to the O5 about how he should put me AOS and then later KOS. I won’t hurt anyone while doing this, but I will keep talking in comms asking them to stop trying to detain/kill me. After a while, I will personally go to the O5 and ask him if I could still work for the Foundation, and that with my new powers I can benefit it. His decision can either be a yes or no, if he says yes, then everything will go back to normal. If he says no, I will start to leak information about the O5 Council, telling names, who the Alpha-1 are. Just basically have the Foundation go into havoc, then leave the site to never return again. 


A small and simple event, I’ve basically already explained what the aftermath will be but, at some point, the site will go back to normal no matter what happens.


Faithful, collapse

"The Serpents didn't want any part of this, they were disgusted on the thought. I've explained why the usage of Thaumatology can benefit their goals in that way but they disagree. I can try other groups who know the existence of the unknown but I don't know if I will have any luck with it. The Serpents were more my last hope but now? I'm unsure. Maybe I can talk to the ones who hate them, hate them with a burning passion, I couldn't even describe how much hate. My goals are pretty simple but the rest feel as if I'm some crazy person wanting to end the world. I know what I need to do, I know my plan will work, as if I could see the future. The Council will collapse one by one."

The event revolves around the O5 Council and Chaos Insurgency, a person by the name of "Gerlo Brie" wants the O5 Council to be destroyed as an act of revenge. Who is he trying to get revenge on? It's unclear but most people believe it could be a possible SCP. The origins of Gerlo Brie are unknown but the only thing they know is it's from a different world, maybe even timeline. The event will start where I will make sure CI is prepared for the event, giving them extra guns, weaponry, cooler models, and I will let them wait outside the Foundation. Then I will make an announcement in the Foundation system saying Anomalous activity is found in the site and that all units should be prepared for some sort of anomalous event. Hopefully, the O5 member at that time will turn on a lockdown. When the lockdown is initiated, I will block off all exits so it makes sense that the lockdown is making sure the anomalous activity won't escape. At this point "Gerlo Brie" will appear in LCZ, he will not appear hostile, I will be invincible against any forms of damage, and will simply just walk to EZ. His main goal is to find the O5 member, and when he does he will make the O5 member standstill (maybe by using CIA SWEP) and then detain. If people try to shoot Gerlo, he will use a gun such as an LMG to try to kill the ones he's shooting, then teleport away with the O5 using a portal. After they have teleported away, I will put in the Foundation that the lockdown had a malfunction and then I will remove the props blocking the exits allowing the OP CI to enter the facility and attempt to kill most members, hopefully, the CI will also make it to where I kidnapped the O5 and I will open the portal. When they enter they will be greeted by a large room made out of stone, and other strange anomalous material that almost looks like flesh, but blue. In the middle of the room will be a bright light, with 4 pillars surrounding it in a square, the O5 still cuffed will be here. To make sure the CI don't go dumb on the O5, I will put him in an invisible no collided box as well God him. A deep ambiance will be playing to add to the scary factor. After the CI has seen the O5, I will reopen the portal hoping Foundation will rush it, I would assume the CI is very hurt so to unexpectedly have Foundation come from behind CI and killing them will give them shock but will most likely have CI be defeated. Allowing them to save the O5 member, but then the portal suddenly closes. I come out with a lot of health, armor, and good guns. My goal is to kill the Foundation personnel inside the room without killing O5 which leads to 2 outcomes.


Depending on if they killed me or not, here will be the aftermath.

1: I live - A O5 Council member will be considered missing, rumors can say he even is killed. The event will be documented, an unknown Person of Interest has taken O5 from the help of CI.

2: I'm killed - The O5 Council member lives, allowing for a more detailed document to be made describing my name and goals because I will tell him that in private. 


The event will be over, Foundation has either won or lost. While CI has technically lost, I will hope they would have fun killing a lot of Foundation. I want the event to be fun for all sides.


Edited by Norra
Fixing spoilerx2


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pretty much what black man above me said.  he's told me some of the events he would like to do, and theyre actually interesting (i think one or two is on the thread, but not 100% sure).  Would like to see him become an event planner.

Edited by Elk

insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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i personally have not met you but the app is great and you seem to show a genuine care in your work and RP while trying to make everything better for others. you also show how much time you dedicate on planning for something in advance that you are not currently working on, but hopefully you will be in the near future.


Edited by jason haze

Please shut the fuck up, no one cares about your whitelists in a Gmod RP server

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Let me just give a non biased opinion since as we can see above the community is so bumlicky they cant give their opinion nor able to post constructive criticism. So starting off your'e american, immediately making this a -1. Though the events may be interesting the individual is also a pedophile, im paranoid that may result in some ERP events which is not what SCP RP is all about. I am unfortunately gonna give a -1 until the individual here gets arrested or gets his brain bashed by baseball bat or a Black Lives Matter Rioter.

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23 minutes ago, Dim0n 😐 said:

Let me just give a non biased opinion since as we can see above the community is so bumlicky they cant give their opinion nor able to post constructive criticism. So starting off your'e american, immediately making this a -1. Though the events may be interesting the individual is also a pedophile, im paranoid that may result in some ERP events which is not what SCP RP is all about. I am unfortunately gonna give a -1 until the individual here gets arrested or gets his brain bashed by baseball bat or a Black Lives Matter Rioter.


Please shut the fuck up, no one cares about your whitelists in a Gmod RP server

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