Slim Jim

Slim Jims Ban appeal

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  1. My In-Game name: Slim Jim
    STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:734797567
    Steam Name:
    Slim Jim
    What is the reason for your ban: NITRP, ARDM
    How long were you banned for:
    7 days
    Name of the staff member who banned you:
    Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:

    i feel that i should be unbanned as i haven't done anything i do have intentions to RP as i was taking part in trainings riots events and etc, earlier that day i understand that i was chilling and chatting with the lads who had tried to kill Emperor palpatine i was however not involved in this at all. Ill give a POV: of what happened on my side So Originally we were walking up to the area out side HQ to see what everyone was doing as well as Emperor palpatine as thats where everyone were at the time but as we do that Emperor palpatine blows us up without a proper reason witch I'm a wear hes aloud to do but after this we all spawn back in CT bunks the others with me were talking about killing Emperor palpatine but i was not going to do that because i didn't want to get reported for rdm, warned or even Banned so i go to work over and patrol with my gun out on safety as this happens the lads who were planning to kill Emperor palpatine started shooting at them and they start shooting me and the lads and end up killing us so back at CT i spawned walked out and back to do my job got frozen and banned for NITRP, ARDM when i was not even involved with that situation and i never tried to shoot at them as you could see via Damage logs. so i feel i should be Unbanned as i had nothing to do with the banning reason hopefully you can see my innocence in logs Thanks.
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Witness: I seen the whole thing slim jim was coming over neer me to patrole with his gun out and they just started to shoot at Emperor palpatine for no reason but slim jim did nothing then less than 30 seconds later slim jim respawns and comes back justt to get frozen and banned thats when i hopped off  

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7 minutes ago, Slim Jim said:
  1. My In-Game name: Slim Jim
    STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:734797567
    Steam Name: Slim Jim
    What is the reason for your ban: NITRP, ARDM
    How long were you banned for: 7 days
    Name of the staff member who banned you: wanted
    Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:
    i feel that i should be unbanned as i haven't done anything i do have intentions to RP as i was taking part in trainings riots events and etc, earlier that day i understand that i was chilling and chatting with the lads who had tried to kill Emperor palpatine i was however not involved in this at all. Ill give a POV: of what happened on my side So Originally we were walking up to the area out side HQ to see what everyone was doing as well as Emperor palpatine as thats where everyone were at the time but as we do that Emperor palpatine blows us up without a proper reason witch I'm a wear hes aloud to do but after this we all spawn back in CT bunks the others with me were talking about killing Emperor palpatine but i was not going to do that because i didn't want to get reported for rdm, warned or even Banned so i go to work over and patrol with my gun out on safety as this happens the lads who were planning to kill Emperor palpatine started shooting at them and they start shooting me and the lads and end up killing us so back at CT i spawned walked out and back to do my job got frozen and banned for NITRP, ARDM when i was not even involved with that situation and i never tried to shoot at them as you could see via Damage logs. so i feel i should be Unbanned as i had nothing to do with the banning reason hopefully you can see my innocence in logs Thanks.


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I can say I have seen him on a few times but today he has been on all day joining events and trainings and patrols. He tried out for the 104th as well and last I seen he was joining in battalion SIMs so can vouch that I believe he has intent to roleplay not sure about the palp stuff thought.


Name: Kona

Current Rank: 104th SGTM

Highest Rank: LT COL

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