Howling Rex 121 Share Posted August 27, 2023 SCP-Roleplay Staff Application TemplateGuidelines Below You are allowed to put +support on member's applications. You are not allowed to +support yourself. If applying, create a new topic and paste this blank in SCP section. Encouraging administrators to check your topic, bribing, advertising your topic anywhere is an instant denial. Feel free to see other applications as a guide to how you should complete yours. Do Not Copy.The whole application needs a minimum of 1,000 words.You must wait 5 days between each denied application, unless explicitly stated otherwise by the person denying your thread.COPYING FROM ANOTHER APPLICATION IS AN INSTANT DENIAL. Please be aware a great app is only words, it is actions that count. General Information Name(IRL Name is not required but is your CHOICE!): What country are you from?: How well do you speak and understand English? (Out of 10):DiscordID: SteamID or URL: In-Game name(s): Age(14+): Play Time (> 5d): Are you a VIP/PlatVIP?: Do you have a microphone?: Average Daily Playtime?:Previous Punishments(Max 15): Onboarding Information:Any past experience as staff?:Any previous roles in the WG Community?:Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No: Application: What attribuites can you bring to being a staff member?: Why should we pick you? (300 word minimum):Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions):Do you understand the rules of WG-SCP-RP: Present SCP Ranks: SCP Developer SCP Ranks Past SCP Manager SCP Head Admin SCP-Head Moderator SCP-096 Co-Manager Onerioi Collective Echo-14 Ethics Committee Manager Chaos Insurgency Delta Manager Sarkic Manager O5 Council Manager Theta-9 GOC MTF A1 Link to comment