
Urano Unban Appeal

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Known you for some time in passing, and I saw some brief MC video with what you spoke and did. But erm in all honestly i'd of highly preferred you to go out quietly and instead of purposingly being a stupid persona that you never once had at least in front of me or anyone else iv spoke to. It doesn't earn you anything becasue you broke rules and inflicted disruption for others as well which will affect you in any staff applications or such job management unless you prove otherwise over time amongst the community members.

In terms of the application, you have gone to a fair degree to explain yourself, address the faults and accept what you did was wrong and in fact you do actually have a genuine understanding of how the server functions/and the structure works but as iv said before becasue your previous actions it's affecting you for a time but will pass as watched upon on ocassions

If you are banned from the discord also, please open a ticket with discord support too 🙂

Present SCP Ranks:
SCP Developer

SCP Ranks Past
SCP Manager
SCP Head Admin
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SCP-096 Co-Manager
Onerioi Collective
Ethics Committee Manager
Chaos Insurgency Delta Manager
Sarkic Manager
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