
Gooby unban request

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My In-Game name: CE PFT SOF CPT Gooby


Steam Name: Ruin

What is the reason for your ban: Doxxing

How long were you banned for: Permenant 

Name of the staff member who banned you: Auster / Deoxy

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:
The reason for my initial ban is that I posted a picture of Deoxy in the discord server which I found off his twitch which was attached to his discord profile, I thought there would be no issue with this due to it being found within 3 clicks, there wasn't really any malicous intent behind this, the issue was the lack of consent from Deoxy, since this happening a couple of days ago, I have been in contact with SMT, staff & Deoxy himself to apologise for my behaviour, myself & Deoxy have no issues & no ill will toward eachother, I held my hands up with a mistake that I made, I have taken ownership of it, I have made no excuses, I have been mature & polite in my dealings with SMT since this event. 

Evidence: spacer.png


Additional: I would like to say a big thank you to SMT & Deoxy in particular for their sincerity in helping me resolve this matter & moving forward from it. 

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Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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56 minutes ago, Enzo said:


I was not there for what happened but i have heard about it. Gooby is a nice guy in my eyes.

+The other part if the argument is good with 


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Way too soon to make an appeal for a community ban. I might be wrong but I'm pretty confident that someone would of told you at least a minimum time before you should even consider appealing.

You might be a nice guy and all but the fact that you went out of your way to post someone's face in public channels all because they pissed you off ingame is pretty stupid. 

It doesn't matter if the image was "easy to find" or "accessible". You can't just post someone's face without their permission?


An unban is not gonna be considered, it doesn't even matter if Deoxy said he doesn't care. There is rules in place for this exact reason and the people who enforce them like CAT are not going to just let it slide

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12 minutes ago, Tasker said:

Way too soon to make an appeal for a community ban. I might be wrong but I'm pretty confident that someone would of told you at least a minimum time before you should even consider appealing.

You might be a nice guy and all but the fact that you went out of your way to post someone's face in public channels all because they pissed you off ingame is pretty stupid. 

It doesn't matter if the image was "easy to find" or "accessible". You can't just post someone's face without their permission?


An unban is not gonna be considered, it doesn't even matter if Deoxy said he doesn't care. There is rules in place for this exact reason and the people who enforce them like CAT are not going to just let it slide

I'm unsure whats going to change over time is all, I've amended my mistakes, I've spoken to literally everyone I can to resolve this.

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Gooby is a good lad, he just made a mistake.

Current SWRP Ranks: 212th Captain | Jedi Initiate | 201st Corporal - Scout | Reserve Medic | Platinum VIP

Past SWRP Ranks: CE T Commander | CE Vice Commander/LT Commander | Jedi Legionnaire | Jedi Occultist/Illusionist | Jedi Shade | Jedi Beast Tamer | SCT MSGT - Medic | SCT 2nd LT - Medic | 68th SFC - Scout | 68th SGTM - Sr Medic | CWRP Event Planner

Other Past Ranks: Pz.Grenadier "GD" Unteroffizier - Panzerjäger - OberPionier - Funker

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