
Damo's 2nd EP App

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Steam Name + Profile link: D.SX.RR + http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199011542742

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): Battalion Captain Damo

Teamspeak Name: Damo

Playtime on the Server: 1mo 5d 10h 34m.

SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_0:0:525638507

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: None

Current Age: 18

Warns/Bans: None

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes my microphone is clear 

Have you ever Done an Event Before?: No

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: i understand the responsibility, My responsibility includes 3 events each week 1 PME and every 2 weeks 1 planetary as well as must co-host once a week

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes i understand

Clone Event Plan:

Create an event plan for clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):

Story for your event: So this event is based on Rishi Moon and a Speeder Gang has rolled up to Rishis MG and they wish to drag race there finest drivers for the republic base once the race commences there allies take the base over and they try to steal information as well as money the republic don't like these actions and both parties go hostile but the gang are strong and hold a fight pushing the republic out of HQ (This is a very simple event that's not to complicated)


Event Announcement for your story: Clone Event Announcement
@Clone Event Ping
Map: Rishi
Approximate Length: 25+ mins
Event Outline: The Infamous Speeder gang Has come to race the republic but they hide what there real intentions are but are soon public

Choice of map: Rishi Moon

Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?:
the class would be spice runners due to they can be made to look the part

Additional Characters:

Republic's outline and execution:
The gang try to start a race
Battalion "All troops it is defcon 3 we seem to have some visitors may 41st and RC to MG"

Event Character outline and execution:
All ECs will be dropped off at the nearest mountain to MG and are to remain none hostile till command is given

Jedi Event Plan:

Create a jedi event BASED upon one of the following P-EC scenario below 

- Grey Jedi Teidowan who prevented the Jedi order from stopping the genocide of a village. The Grey Jedi now must be redeemed by the jedi order. Write an event plan on how the Grey Jedi would be redeemed

- Sith Apprentice who seeks to resurrect its master with a dark ritual after he was slain by the jedi. The ritual required sacrifices of multiple lifeforms. Write a event plan on how the Sith could perform said ritual

- Mercenary Guerilla wanted by the republic for multiple murderers has been hired by a wealthy client. After a high ranking jedi within the order captured the wealthy client previously, now he is hungry for revenge. Write an event plan so that the Mercenary can kidnap the high ranking Jedi

Story for your event BASED on the option: Sith Apprentice Has come to Rishi And has taken The republic VDC As there new ritual Spot the clones report this to the Jedi and the Jedi respond asking them to get of the clones base and also meanwhile trying to take the Sith artifacts but the sith catch them and decide to engage in combat to capture one of them to take them to the darkside

Event Announcement for your story: The Sith Apprentice has come to Rishi to perform to dark side magic Hopefully the jedi intervine

Additional Characters:
1 Sith Apprentice and A Follower

Jedi's outline and execution: The Clones inform the jedi That the Sith have made them Selfs at home in there VDC

Jedi Event Character outline and execution: You Fly into MB (VDC) And start to make a ritual Palace making yourself at home

Last question:

Anything else?: N/A

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fat nerd


Current Ranks: ICRP Admin, 41st 2nd LT, Senior Assassin, 201st  Sergeant, Heavy Weapons Leader 

Previous Ranks: Sith Sub-Path Leader, Battalion Lieutenant Colonel, 501st Vice-Commander/Lieutenant Commander, DarkRP Admin, Deathrun Admin, CG Colonel, SCP RP Super Admin. SCP-096, The Serpants Hand, CI Delta, IJAMEA, O5-3. Site Director, GOC, Echo-14, MC&D Salesman, Anderdon Robotics Robot, Sarkic Karcist/Vice-Manager, SCP-1048 (When WL), Head Researcher, MTF E-11 Commander, Ethics Committee, Church of the broken God Maxwellism/Orthodox, Harrow-23 Manager And NU-7


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Its a Base Attack so it doesnt really stand out

Though the events may be really simple its not necessarily a bad thing for a first event.

You did forget to add W-G Event Planner in the last bit


You are an individual who can be trusted with ULX

You have a respectable playtime

I believe you would make a fine EP


Best of luck with your application, Damo!

Previous Ranks:

212th COL

501st EXO & 501st Vice Commander

CWRP Senior Event Planner


"I spent 300 hours getting into ARC"

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