
Nutz 2nd event planner application

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General Information:

Steam Name + Profile link: Nutz 

Roleplay Name 
CE AFT CPT Nutz, Jedi Initiate Nutz
Teamspeak Name:
Playtime on the Server:
1mo 1w 4h 11m.
SteamID (

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server:
Current Age:
2 bans, 9 warns (Prop minge x4, Racism, Prop climbing, PME, Prop abuse, MRDMx8.)
Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes.

Have you ever Done an Event Before?:
What was your event and was it successfully executed?:
Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: The responsibilities of a event planner is to make sure everyone has a good time and have no one get mad that the EC's are to powerful and they can't do anything about it like giving the B2 Droid the hand rocket for the whole event.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes I do understand.

Clone Event Plan:

Create an event plan for clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):

Story for your event: A new religious group has appeared called the true light terrorising the people of coruscant and it is the clones job to stop them as after they capture they put them on a crucifix and sacrifice them to their god to gain luck.

Event Announcement for your story: A religious group has been terrorising the people of coruscant and the people have asked for your help and so it is your job to stop them and end this terrorising.

Choice of map: Coruscant below.

Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?:
Pirates as I can't really think of anything else to use.

Additional Characters: N/A

Republic's outline and execution: Battalion got a transmission from Coruscant that a religious is trying to spread their influence..

Event Character outline and execution:
They will be sacrificing a civilian and will talk to them and will disagree with them trying to stop them and they will attack the clones and the event will go on from there.

Jedi Event Plan:

Create a jedi event BASED upon one of the following P-EC scenario below 

Story for your event BASED on the option: A mercenary has been hired by the religious group to make sure that the jedi to not interfere with them.

Event Announcement for your story: The religious group have hired a mercenary to stop the jedi from helping the clones.

Additional Characters: N/A

Jedi's outline and execution: The jedi find the mercenary looking for any jedi and when they see him they will talk to him for a bit then It will be duelling for the rest of the event.

Jedi Event Character outline and execution: Walk around trying to find jedi to kill when they find them they chat and then they duel for the rest of the event.

Last question:

Anything else?: W-G E-Planner

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Not Enough Detail on the Event plans

A lot of warns and ban's

Way to immature

Current Ranks
CE PFT Rancor Major - Event planner

Former Ranks

4x 212th SO - 212th Vice Commander - Junior Medic

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