
Alexander Medal Request

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Name: Alexander / Battle
TS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]: VqHESbW5WEI4Apy5E2ieSFqP3zE=
Requested Medal: Silver Merid 2nd Class & Community Service Medal 2
Evidence: I already had them accepted but I haven't been playing for a while so i lost them after a TS-Server switch or sth.




GM LCPL 03.03.24 - 

Previous Ranks

GM Colonel 13.09.19 – 19.03.20 DU Colonel 19.03.20 - 07.05.20 CG LCPL 18.07.20 - 25.07.20

Jedi Blade Warrior 08.03.20 - 26.08.20 Deathrun Senior Admin 24.04.20 - 05.03.21

DarkRP Senior Mod 02.04.21 - 12.04.21

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You are now eligible for the 3 year service medal so you have received that alongside the 2nd class merit instead.


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