
Grapefruit Event Planner Application

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Steam Name + Profile link: Grapefruit

Roleplay Name: Grapefruit

Teamspeak Name: Grapefruit

Playtime on the Server:  1mo 1w 4d 15h 40m + 2d 14h 51m

SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:842752406 

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: No

Current Age:19

Warns/Bans (Screenshot required):  
5992C0EE3A37C4646328C749DA6AE9D200A83978 (1920×1080)\\\\\\

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes

Have you ever hosted an event before?: No

What was your event and was it successfully executed? :N/A

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Responsibilities for being an EP is to make an event that is enjoyable for both party's i.e Clones and Jedi to enjoy there playtime in the server.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes

Clone Event Plan: 


Story for your event: The CIS Droids have taken an Republic Outpost on Rishimoon, they have taken an admiral hostages who was at the outpost for an inspection, the mission is to takeout the droids and rescue the admiral from his most cur-ten doom.


Event Announcement for your story: A distress beacon has been activated on the Rishimoon, you know the drill gentlemen man you venators , arm up and prepare for orders.


Choice of map: Rishimoon


Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: CIS B1, B2 battle droids and commando droids because they are the staple of the CIS and would best fit the situation that has come to hand and as well there choice of weapons creates a fair balance across the event

Additional Characters:
Jedi negotiator that has made first contact after stumbling on the distress beacon before the GAR has arrived 

Republic's outline and execution:
Begins to recieve and distress beacon from one of several outpost located on rishimoon, Battalion inform all regiments about the distress beacon by have a briefing, then they hyper space on the venator to arrive above rishimoon to go onto laat's and drop outside the outpost to get a LZ set up.

Event Character outline and execution: 
Count Doku has order his commando droid unit to visit an outpost on rishimoon to steal vital intel, upon arriving they managed to capture a admiral in the process, they contact count doku with the news and he send in reinforcement to fortify the outpost and hold there position as well as to protect the admiral for as long as they possible can 

Anything else?: THIS IS NOT AI GENERATED I SWEAR. + ive got 2 different player times up there as lost my old account with my pc due to a fire.



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+1 looks pretty ai generated not gonna lie

Current Ranks:
Jedi Paladin - Senior Event Planner

Previous Ranks: 
 Jedi Event Planner - Event Planner 
 Jedi Lorekeeper Jedi Specialist Jedi Illusionist 
501st Commander -  GM Gamma ARC Colonel 41st Gamma ARC 2nd LT


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After careful consideration within Event Management and the Senior EP team, unfortunately we must turn down your application at this time

You may reapply in 2 weeks or once apps are open again (If they are close)

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