ACEF's unban Request

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My In-Game name: ACEF

STEAMID:  STEAM_0:1:458407551

Steam Name:  Alpha Charlie Echo Foxtrot

What is the reason for your ban: DTP 

How long were you banned for: Permanently 

Name of the staff member who banned you: Saffrus

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: To start things off with i enjoyed playing on the server very much i miss it and invested a lot of time playing on it however, from the day i was banned i have had a long time to reflect upon my actions and i have realised how much i have messed up. i have realised how toxic, Disrespectful and Hurtful i was to a person in this community and i have had time to change. i have understood why i was banned as you do not want someone in the community being horrible to a player and making them feel bad as it is bullying. the reason i was horrible was because i had problems of my own and took them out on a person which was not the right thing to do as i have realised and i will not blame my actions on my own problems i will blame them on myself being a horrible person. however i have changed as i have had time to think upon my actions and have  opened my eyes on how much of a terrible friend i was to this person and have apologised to him. Although the person has forgiven me i still haven't forgiven myself as the things i said were probably the worst things i have ever said to anyone and i feel disgusted that i said it to a close friend as well. i have became a better person over the last month and have taken better care of myself and my friends. i can ensure you that i would be on my best behaviour and would not be disrespectful or toxic to anyone (even in the slightest) in the future. I know i had one chance and messed it up I'm just hoping you guys are willing to give me a second chance. No matter what the answer is i will 100% Respect your Decision no matter which ever one it is. all i can do now is ask for forgiveness. 




Edited by ACEF

[Current Ranks]   
 ST Commander IRP Mod
[Past Ranks] 
CWRP]  -  CT LCOL - DU EXO - CG LCOL  442nd VC
[IRP] - ST VC - 501st Temp EXO - Admin

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I've been close to the situation and I know when Acef got banned he came and saw what he has done , even after getting blocked by the other person he came to me and got me to get the other person in TS so Acef could apologise, he didn't even get told to apologise he wanted to because he knows what he has done is wrong , in his voice I could hear how deeply sorry he was for his actions, even after the other person forgave him which I can confirm happened he kept on apologising and making sure to be a better friend. I know from talking to Acef during his ban he has been changing for a better person he took this time to rethink what he has done he's been taking this time to work on himself. I belive hes taken enough time away to rethink everything hes done. The amount of times this server has made Acef laugh and happy is amazing he loved this server and he even to this day after being forgiven still hates him self for what he has done.

Current Ranks:

RC Commander F68

SWRP CWRP Staff Manager

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OS Squad Leader F68

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+1 heard how upset he was when he got banned and can tell he’s very sincere in his response to the situation. Bullying is serious and the necessary steps should be taken to make sure it doesn’t happen again but in this case I believe ACEF has learnt from his mistakes and means to make amends. An unban seems like the right course of action here.

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Everyone deserves a second chance


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Jr Developer
Battalion Officer

Former Ranks
CF-99 Squad Leader
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Fleet Commodore
Dark Council
501st ARC Colonel
Master of the Order
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I only know a few details about the situation that caused the ban. But before that, ACEF had always great member of the server and was always very friendly and proactive towards his regiment and others. I think I even recommended him a few times for his general behaviour. So this case is an outlier when you look at everything else ACEF has done before, and if he has talked with the person in question and resolved their quarrels, In my opinion he should be given a second chance at least. 



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Although I don't exactly know the situation, I can firmly say that ACEF is  a man of his word an won't make any mistakes like this again. A second chance is well deserved.


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I won't give an opinion inform of a +1 or -1, as I believe that I am not able to speak objectively on that manner. None the less, I want to share my experience with ACEF. He is a very competent and dedicated guy who has done god work in CT. He always pushed himself to be the best, no matter with. Even at the start of him joining the server. You can easily see that based on minor things like cadet trainings (he has done many). Even outside of the regiment or even the server, ACEF has always been friendly and nice. The things ACEF has done are in no way, shape or form justifiable, none the less I believe that people deserve second chances when they show remorse, are aware of their mistakes and try their best to fix them.


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Mistakes happens and i believe you perhaps changed, you are a good man and deserve a second chance and i hope  to see you on the server again.

-Past Ranks

-No one cares




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Realised his mistake

GM LCPL 03.03.24 - 

Previous Ranks

GM Colonel 13.09.19 – 19.03.20 DU Colonel 19.03.20 - 07.05.20 CG LCPL 18.07.20 - 25.07.20

Jedi Blade Warrior 08.03.20 - 26.08.20 Deathrun Senior Admin 24.04.20 - 05.03.21

DarkRP Senior Mod 02.04.21 - 12.04.21

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Get this good men back! He knows what he did wrong and he apologied for it, aswell he did very good job in CT and was always friendly (at least to me).

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He has had a month to reflect on his actions

He's apologised for his actions and was a great person from personal experiences



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Rittenhouse my beloved.

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+1 I was the guy that he was being talking about and i have forgiven him. its a normal human emotion to be angry and we do dumb things when we are angry. sure it was really dumb of acef to keep going after i asked him to tell me what was wrong with him but i understand him as i have done the same thing myself before. if the guy that was getting attacked have forgiven him then so should you guys. i miss him i really do he was a really good and great friend. he told me that he wanted to talk to me in TS after this went down and he wanted to apolagize to me. i was worried for him and i think he really has earned a secound chance on SWRP. 

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