Brandon Viper

Sadness Intensifies Ban Appeal

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Your in-game name: It varies a lot but currently my name on the Discord server is John doe.

Date you were warned / banned: July 26 at 4:56 Pm

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:432500005

Admin who warned you (name / steam name / SteamID): Borat Koslowski / Valyy I would assume as that is his Discord name.

Reason for punishment: Propminge with a bathtub or attempted Propminge. I don't understand the term "Minge" fully so I don't know if me killing myself with it would've been it or me saying I was gonna do it was Propminge.

Explain the situation you were warned for and your side of the story IN DETAIL: I was just killed by an Field Agent after I botched a mass killing as a CI infiltrator and respawned in on surface and saw a bunch of Church Of The Broken God members and a few GOC Members outside of the warehouse next to the church as they shot down the drone. I arrived and stated to the prophet in ooc that I just recently killed about 40 people with grenades in the span of 20 minutes. He expressed surprise to what I said. During this a CotBG Convert continued to ask "Who r u" in chat to him I replied "The guy who eats bathtubs" as I proceeded to spawn in a bathtub as they are known to be one of the most efficient at propkilling due to the source engine taking somethings weight in to account for when it calculates damage which the bathtub is one of the heaviest normal props that can be spawned. I struggled to get it out as the foundation prop is right next to it so I spawned in both the fountain and the bathtub at the same time 2 times in a row until I had just the bathtub which i proceeded to phys gun above my head before I despawned it and proclaimed that it was a joke. But after I picked it up I was phys gunned by Borat who was a GOC Strike team member at the time and froze me in mid air as I proclaimed that it "was a joke" to which he replied, "No it wasn't a joke" then proceed to check my warns and noticing that I had a warning from march about propminging where I was warned for killing myself as a Nu-7 with a bathtub outside of the Nu-7 spawn right before a Nu-7 Commander tryout that I was going to be apart of. After he checked my warns I said, "Ok nice I'm getting banned yey" (I didn't care as I was going to a wrestling tournament in Alabama to wrestle for a duel team in 2 days and I would be gone til the saturday 1 day before my ban was lifted) I was then banned for 7 days or a week for Propminge by Borat.

Why should the punishment (ban / warn) be reversed: Because as I stated it was a joke/bit that I was committed to doing where in I would spawn in a bathtub and raise it above my head before despawning. I know that it is looked down upon by the staff team for players to use props to kill cause I mean that IS breaking a rule but I just doing a joke. As well as that I had learned previously from my warn in March to not propkill myself to showoff and while attempted propkill is similar I planed to stop so that I wouldn't be killed and it just be me showing off to be the funny guy in the situation. Final reason is that I know that if my ban is removed that I would return and provide good RP for the server rather than just TDM all the time I enjoy providing a fun experience for others and generally being the clown that people laughs at or with due to the funny antics I get myself into a lot of the time.


Evidence (screenshots, videos etc): Unfortunately I don't record almost ever so I do not have any screenshots or videos of the situation.


Anything else you wish to add: I do hope that this application for my ban is accepted due to me loving this community. I've been with this community for just under a year and so far I love the quirkiness of the moderation staff ,except for some who I will not mention, and the player base as a whole. I love how passionate people are about this community and seeing it prosper and return to the good old days when people were constantly vying for a slot on the server because it was just that good of a server.

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1 hour ago, Dr. Alto Clef said:


Your shit is in the correct place now so just wait untill someone responds 


On 7/27/2020 at 2:45 PM, Dr. Alto Clef said:

Final reason is that I know that if my ban is removed that I would return and provide good RP for the server rather than just TDM

No one can provide good RP...only Events can include some actual RP...The rest is just TDM

If you ask me banning someone for a week 'cus of this is like...lmao dude

Neutral because I highly doubt this is the only thing that happened

Edited by Shadow
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