
Pixel's Second Staff Application

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Posted (edited)

In Game Name: Pixel 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:237921360

Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server: No

In-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT): Plat VIP & Battalion 1st LT

Have you got experience in staffing RP servers: No

Age: 16

Playtime: 5w 3d

Predicted time on server per week: 35-40hrs

Warns/bans: 1 Warn (Changing name to avoid RP,  2 Feb 2018)

Do you use a microphone: Yes

What do you aim to achieve in our staff team:

My aim is to create a safe place for the player base whilst making sure that there is no FailRP or other staff problems going on. Also, both reporting and dealing with in-game bugs. Also, to help give a good impression for first comers and everyday players of the server which will in turn keep them playing. If the server is poorly staffed then people will leave looking for a better experience as there would be too much un-policed things going on, so we need good staff to make sure the server keeps a good reputation and I believe I can help deliver that with all the existing staff.

Why do you stand out among other candidates:

I am just starting to make my transition to college and apart of the transition is me personally setting myself work and tasks for my Networking Security course in September. I believe that I can bring organisation (e.g Setting myself times in days where I will be on my staff role taking claims) 
and determination to the staff team, as everything I have done to prepare for college, I have never done this course before and I needed determination to keep striving on.

My recent allowance into Battalion also shows my difference to other people on the server because of the fact that I have been hand picked showing me to be different. It also shows that I have a attribute of maturity and respectfulness because of my role.

Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words):

I believe that I should be picked because of not just in-game experience ,but experience outside as well with my school work and 
other activities. In school, I took a leadership course that really helped boost my sense of confidence and determination on tasks, 
I believe I can bring this experience into my staff role and sits.

Also, being around staff members helps to give me a grasp of how active I  have to be and , how busy and needed you are in the role. 
This is the same with Battalion and how we are constantly asking for weapons and items for training's and Sims, this helps show me how I will 
need to apply myself all the times and be ready if there is a claim that no one can take. 

With in-game experience, I have been on the server for 3 years now and have seen a lot of changes to rules, this shows me how the server is always 
moving with a fast pace and how you always need to be acknowledging and active on the server. With also been a CG Sargent  (Cliche warning), I have a wider 
knowledge of the rules than some others and know from experience when something is a RP based problem and when something is a Staff based problem.

Being in Battalion, I constantly have to be on my best behaviour and professional. This state of mind would help me as a admin as they need the same attitude when dealing with some claims. Being accepted would also help in me Battalion when I am doing Sims and training's as it would let me quicken up the process and let me think of some more interesting ideas for training and Sims that would only take up my time and not a admins. If I ever did get staff this would give me a extra boost of morale when playing on the server because of the fact that I would have more to do and be able to help the server out in more ways than just playing as Battalion.

Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed: Yes, hopefully this will never happen

If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member: I would do nothing as this is a RP based situation and would ignore it, however if playing
as my Battalion role I would correct him on what he has done wrong and get him to salute me

You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this:

I would inform Staff Hierarchy and in the following week, I would make sure that I both make up for and exceed the threshold for the next week.

You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this:

I'd keep it to myself, I'm not the type of person to get personally offended or annoyed by people and if I did I don't think it would bug me that much.

Anything else: wgswrp

Edited by Pixel



+1 Only thing I’ve seen pixel be bad at is siege I think he’d be great as a staff member has all the top qualities to be great at it 


The only bad thing that i have seen Pixel do was join Batt. Other than that pretty pog guy


+1 all from above, gl

Current ranks:

[SCT Commander]

Previous ranks:

[41st ARC Colonel]

[GC Vice Commander] 18/8/2020 - 21/9/2020 [GC ARC Colonel] 23/6/2020 - 10/8/2020



You do kinda stink and you're bad at seige but your app is good and your fairly active.





Credit to Loki for this.



Current Ranks


Grand Admiral

SWRP Manager

212th ET

Previous Ranks

Admirality - lol skipped VA m8

CE Marshal Commander

(Temp) DU Marshal Commander

(Temp) 21st Marshal Commander

(Temp) CG Vice Commander

Jedi Padawan - Like a boss

41st NCO

Fallschirmjager - Jäger

Caesar Obergefreiter




Congratulations! You have passed the application stage. 

Please Come on TS and contact an SMT member for your interview
(We also understand that you are currently on absence and the reason for it so please let us know if you're available for the interview before the end date otherwise we can do it after you return)

Janko Gift 2.gif

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