Nio Deppilf

Nio's 096 Application

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Posted (edited)

RP Name: Nio Deppilf


SteamID: STEAM_0:0:82415986


Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] : 4d 8h 6m 45s


In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: 0


Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?: Yes and I check them every now and then again to make sure I don't forget any. I understand these rules must be known to make sure every player has a good experience and I will always abide to them to make sure not to ruin the fun or gameplay for anyone else. I don't want to ruin it for anyone and will always tell others if they break them to make sure they don't ruin it for anyone else either.


Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding*  Yes I have read the rules of 096 and understand them. I know I must not kill other SCPs or use my CL5 keycard unless it is to pursue 096-1. I can not just go on massive killing sprees as this would count as MRDM and abusing the powers of my job. I must treat all players fairly and not choose who I kill, if a friend looks at my face then I must kill them and I cannot bait people into looking at my face by sitting in front of my CC door so as soon as it opens someone is looking at my face, I also cannot move or look around while calm else this could cause someone to see my face and would again be baiting. If I kill 096-1 inside my CC but my CC doors are open I cannot kill 096-1 and then walk out my CC and sit down outside, I must sit where I killed them and this counts for anywhere else as well. I must also be careful when chasing 096-1 as not to kill anyone else and if anyone is trying to breach me on purpose (a scientist enters my CC and looks at my face intentionally and then runs away) i must report it to staff. I feel like I have a very good grasp on the rules and won't abuse them.


Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?:  I believe I can yes. I enjoy playing as SCPs and know a lot of the time it is about waiting. I do not mind waiting for things like breaches and testing to happen and won't be like the average player who spams in ooc about not being tested and that they are having to wait 10 minutes for anything to happen. I know I have a basic grasp of the lore and 096 has always been an SCP that interested me and I'd love to play him and give other users a good RP experience. If the slot is open I will most likely play this SCP as like I said, I enjoy playing as SCPs.


What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail)  When 096 breaches or his doors malfunction everyone who is not E-11 or CS must leave the area/room he is in without looking at his face. Once this has happened E-11 and CS will begin to slowly back into the room with there backs facing the way they came in and keep walking backwards until they hit an obstacle. Once they know they are near 096 they will begin the containment procedure slowly and carefully to not make sure no one sees his face and keep him in his calm state. Using a plastic bag or something to cover 096 face they will place it on his head to ensure no one can see his face and if needed they will blindfold him. Only personal who have CL3+ may bag SCP-096 Once his face is covered elastic restraints will be used to drag 096 back to his containment cell. Only E-11 or CS can do this. During the process of bring 096 back to his containment cell the containment units must be careful in case someone tries to free 096 (in an RP situation like Chaos) causing someone to see his face. If all goes well 096 will be returned to his CC without anymore incidents


During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*: I begin to take the quickest route to the Class-D after I am sure he has looked at my face and once the SWEP has finished as 096 is meant to take 1-2 minutes to begin chasing after 096-1 in his document. I would head from my containment cell straight too the EZ where the Class-D is located. Once I reach 096-1 I will kill them with the SWEP making sure to be careful not to hit those around him (if there is any) and proceed to sit down exactly where I killed them. If anyone then proceeds to also look at my face I would do the same and repeat until no one has saw my face. If while chasing the Class-D someone in my path looks at me I would continue after the Class-D and kill them first before going back and killing the new 096-1 and then if no one else has seen my face I'd sit there as thats the last place I killed anyone.


While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*:  Yes this is good RP because 096 is meant to find and kill the first 096-1 first. He would track down 096-1 and kill them and then lets say the researcher saw his face before the Class-D and MTF, he would kill the researcher and then however saw him next and then whoever is last and sit where that person died. 096 should go in a straight path the 096-1 and kill them so stopping to kill someone else is not good RP as the first person to see your face is the main priority.


If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?*  You would proceed to recontain SCP-096 because him being unbagged is a massive threat as someone could see his face and it would cause another death or multiple and would mean another breach. Your main priority would be to deal with 096 as quickly and safely as possible and then have security deal with the Class-D. As E-11 or CS you should be making sure that no one gets close to 096 when recontaining him as the breach of 096 is putting the lives of everyone at the facility at risk. Once 096 is dealt with the Class-D should be terminated.


A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*:  I would ignore what they said and begin to enter my rage state because someone has looked at my face. If you look at 096 face on accident you would be killed in lore so it is no exception to these guys just because they are breaking me out. If one of them looks on my face it is my lore to kill them no matter if it was an accident or not. This may prevent them from taking me out of the facility but that is there problem and fault for looking upon my face. If I did ignore it I would not be abiding by the rules of 096 and would be putting at risk the whitelist at the job as I am meant to RP'ing the job properly and not just for myself by allowing this GOI to take me out of my CC so I can potentially kill people.


Anything else you may need to tell people reading this application: I understand that my time on the server and for the whitelist hits the bare minimum but I do believe that I can play as 096 properly and that I understand the rules and procedures. Also with the new addition to the SWEP of it telling you who looked at your face it will make it easier aswell and less easy to abuse it. Thank you very much for reading my application and I hope you consider me.

Edited by nioCdeppilF


App is pretty good to me. Could do with a touch up in very select places.

Your playtime/presence is the only thing that kinda scares me. (As you have acknowledged.) Therefore, I haven't seen you in terms of RP personally.

I do believe you show potential for the whitelist and understand the rules behind it, but do remember that you will be watched closely as 096 should you be accepted by Olli.

Best of luck! -Viktor

Viktor Svetsken

56 minutes ago, Viktor Svetsken said:


App is pretty good to me. Could do with a touch up in very select places.

Your playtime/presence is the only thing that kinda scares me. (As you have acknowledged.) Therefore, I haven't seen you in terms of RP personally.

I do believe you show potential for the whitelist and understand the rules behind it, but do remember that you will be watched closely as 096 should you be accepted by Olli.

Best of luck! -Viktor

Is there any chance I could know which select places you mean so I could improve on them? And yes I understand my time is low and understand if that is what makes me not get it what is reasonable. Thank you for feedback

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