
Demote command

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A way for SD/O5 and other appropriate jobs to demote players from one job to another.


Command: /demote [name] [job]

You should only be able to demote to jobs that are commonly used for demotions so that you cannot abuse the command.

  • Class D
  • Service Personnel
  • Security Officer
  • Cafeteria Worker.


To prevent abuse there should be a cooldown.

I personally think that this is not perfect but it's a realistic thing that could be implemented.

Edited by Noe


SCP-RP Senior Staff / Lead Mentor

STEAM_0:0:131395686  ─  NOE#2960  ─  🇩🇪 / 🇬🇧


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-1 if sd has access to it

could still be abused, even with a cooldown.

let's say, the SD wants to fuck with his friend, and just demotes him to D Class? or just goes up to a random person and demotes them.

+1 if it was only for the O5, since I doubt any O5 would be abusing this, however any random person can become SD and just fuck with this command.



im max

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I could see this working for Foundation as a trial. 

Foundation Personnel will notice if the SD demoted someone for no reason,  and staff can be quickly called over to sort this out.

FailRP already covers this possible feature,  as abusing it is classed as Failrp. 


In short, 

Anyone watching can call staff over a illegitimate demotion 

The demoted person can also call a sit 



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In short: Gonna get abused, giving staff powers to players is shit idea, especially with toxic playerbase.

The glorified old playerbase ( the times when people like Bright, Mr X and so on played ) this command existed and that "Godly roleplayer playerbase" abused the fuck outa that /demote command. I mean abused, like literally 9/10 demotes were for garbage reason.

So question? If this glorified playerbase abused that command, what stops this toxic playerbase from abusing it?

Anyways additional points if you add this:

Expect people to act like fucking staff members and start demoting people for breaking rules or some dumb shit. ( Happened before )

Players with this power to be biased and demote people for vague reasons. ( Demoting someone from a role, just so his friend can play the job and then making up some shit reason for demotion, but good enough to get away )

Good luck for staff to figure out after demotion happened. It's easier to figure out if demotion was valid when you are present at the time of demotion, not after. In short 80% of sits regarding this issue will end with staff member saying "Sorry wasn't there and there is no proof, so can't do anything about this situation"

New players gonna have shit experience considering their ass could be demoted without explanation, or even if newer player, they might not understand that demotion was invalid thus not call staff member.

Some powergaming gamer moves you could do as O5 and get away with it, but will not disclose considering this might get added cause of support.

I mean I could go on and on, but no real point, if this isn't enough then nothing will. Generally saying giving staff members power to players is dumb fucking idea, especially with toxic playerbase.

And who the fuck says that O5 members wouldn't abuse? What fucking stops them from abusing? You lot act like people with WL jobs never minge or abuse.

Additionally I know for fucking fact that some players would demote people without even detaining them or talking to them, I had decent amounts of time where some people would call me to demote "name" cause they didn't come to EZ big room or to their office, they couldn't even be arsed to find the guy.

Scenario that will happen:
O5:" HoS to my office"
*Hos isn't coming to his office*
O5: "Ok I'm demoting him"
HoS fucking vanishes from CI base after CI kidnapped him, leaving CI without HoS.

Staff member in that situation could come and say "You have to get HoS detained and shit before demoting" atleast that.

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13 minutes ago, Ivanskov | said:


In short: Gonna get abused, giving staff powers to players is shit idea, especially with toxic playerbase.

The glorified old playerbase ( the times when people like Bright, Mr X and so on played ) this command existed and that "Godly roleplayer playerbase" abused the fuck outa that /demote command. I mean abused, like literally 9/10 demotes were for garbage reason.

So question? If this glorified playerbase abused that command, what stops this toxic playerbase from abusing it?

Anyways additional points if you add this:

Expect people to act like fucking staff members and start demoting people for breaking rules or some dumb shit. ( Happened before )

Players with this power to be biased and demote people for vague reasons. ( Demoting someone from a role, just so his friend can play the job and then making up some shit reason for demotion, but good enough to get away )

Good luck for staff to figure out after demotion happened. It's easier to figure out if demotion was valid when you are present at the time of demotion, not after. In short 80% of sits regarding this issue will end with staff member saying "Sorry wasn't there and there is no proof, so can't do anything about this situation"

New players gonna have shit experience considering their ass could be demoted without explanation, or even if newer player, they might not understand that demotion was invalid thus not call staff member.

Some powergaming gamer moves you could do as O5 and get away with it, but will not disclose considering this might get added cause of support.

I mean I could go on and on, but no real point, if this isn't enough then nothing will. Generally saying giving staff members power to players is dumb fucking idea, especially with toxic playerbase.

And who the fuck says that O5 members wouldn't abuse? What fucking stops them from abusing? You lot act like people with WL jobs never minge or abuse.

Additionally I know for fucking fact that some players would demote people without even detaining them or talking to them, I had decent amounts of time where some people would call me to demote "name" cause they didn't come to EZ big room or to their office, they couldn't even be arsed to find the guy.

Scenario that will happen:
O5:" HoS to my office"
*Hos isn't coming to his office*
O5: "Ok I'm demoting him"
HoS fucking vanishes from CI base after CI kidnapped him, leaving CI without HoS.

Staff member in that situation could come and say "You have to get HoS detained and shit before demoting" atleast that.

It could be under certain situations, such as being cuffed so you dont get randomly demoted in the middle of nowhere

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+1 if restrictions are set


I feel the perfect jobs for these are



O-1 Units

Nu-7 Commander

E-11 Commander







Foundation jobs could demoted to a set amount of jobs (Janitor, D-Class, etc), but Foundation Jobs relating to a certain department can only demote people within that department (HoEA: DoEAs and FAs | Commanders: Their units, etc) and letting ISD, O-1, and O5 being able to demote no matter what department. This could also work with GOIs, as non Foundation can demoted to Civilians.  Restrictions must also be put in place regarding the usage, such as it can only demote people if they are cuffed.


This would help Staff and Players alike by letting staff deal with more important issues and players being able to Demote people in RP without having to do anything

insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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Not sure if that came across. 


I always handle demotions as roleplay myself. That means when I get called to demote they always have to demote them in-rp before I do the physical part.

That means: Demoted and Demoting need to be right next to each other, the demotion must be roleplayed out (Example: "Sir you are being let go from your position as .... for ..." )


So for the command I would obviously want the to parties right next to each other. The command should have 3 arguments:

1. Who you are demoting

2. For how long they will be blocked for reapplying to the position (so how many minutes they are job banned)

3. RP reason for the demotion. 


Example: /demote Freeman 10m Failure to obay safety protocol by escorting class D uncuffed.


Maximum blacklist by players should be 30 minutes. (obviously this can be debated on)


SCP-RP Senior Staff / Lead Mentor

STEAM_0:0:131395686  ─  NOE#2960  ─  🇩🇪 / 🇬🇧


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Krail summed it up pretty perfectly. Completely open to abuse and there's a very good reason staff have to ask for the demote reason first to check if it's valid and non biased.


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