
Earn Credits as Scavenger

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What your suggestion is: Earning Credits as a Scavenger. The role is very rarely used and the camp is pretty much pointless. If there was a way you could make Mandalorian Spice or other drugs and sell it to an NPC hidden around the map or in the scavenger camp. This system would similar to making cocaine on Nazi RP. You would have to buy the ingredients on the entities menu such as where you spawn drugs. There is not a current way you can earn credits unless being a Bartender. I feel like it would definitely make the job a lot more popular and you could even build as a scavenger in the base or near. I honestly would enjoy playing as a Scavenger.

Scriptfolder/workshop link: Not Needed

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Would actually be pretty cool to add some depth to the scavenger job so it doesn't just entirely function as a minge job.

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I think this is a good idea, expanding on Blasters point, maybe there could be a room in the base somewhere which the scav has to get some ingredients from. This would mean the scav has to actually risk something to get the reward

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5 hours ago, Pingu said:

I think this is a good idea, expanding on Blasters point, maybe there could be a room in the base somewhere which the scav has to get some ingredients from. This would mean the scav has to actually risk something to get the reward

^^ maybe somewhere in the medbay they steal supplies from

+1 Overall.

Edited by TommyK195
adding the +1 at the end

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it would make the role more interesting but it would require a whole system to be added in order to produce drugs

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Scavenger Job is pretty much uselss for them to except enter MB and fuck around, so why dont they add the Cocaine or weed system in there, pretty useful and helps alot. What rich said though regular CG patrols should be sent out though to avoid it being to easy


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bro ngl the purpose of SWRP is to play as a clone or jedi, if you wanna earn money as a scavenger go play dark rp


i would prefer LFS over shite like this

Edited by Silent


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It is a cool idea and could easily be introduced with passiveRP for all. Wouldn't be too hard to develop too, you can use an already made addon just changing names and models of ingredients. 

However this would be something low on the list for the busy development team with bigger projects to work on

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scavengers being able to earn credits as a way to make progression as of now isn't exactly high priority and we're focusing on other projects.

had to remove signature because of romanian censorship






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