
Unban appeal

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Server you got banned from: Werewolf Gaming SCP

Your name in-game: Christiaan M 

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:206348704

Admins' name that banned you: No admin it was console

Admin's steamID: No it was console

Why did you get banned?: it doesnt state that 

Evidence(Un-necessary): Sorry no 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I should be unbanned cause i already got unbanned once by a high member of the community i will give his name if needed so what happened i got unbanned by him but that didnt really work cause right when i joined the server i got  banned again by the console so i was unbannned and than when i joined the server i got banned again so i was suppose to be unbanned already but that didnt work 

Anything else?: I Was banned like a year ago but know it states i was banned sep 1 but that isnt correct cause the right date when i was banned was a year ago but sep 1 was the date i was unbanned and than when i joined in the server i got banned by console straight away so thats why it says i was banned sep 1 but actually i was banned like a year ago dont even know the reason i was banned honestly it was like a year ago........................... I also wanna state that i really like the server and i was plat vip and i hope that i will be back and play my favourite server again:) i am plat vip but i dont know why it doesnt state it on my profile here:(


Kind Regards,


Edited by Rain
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I did see this guy got unbanned by a higher up but got banned again by the console also a great member of the community a big donater and supporter  he really likes the server and was really active while being unbanned so i think this guy deserves a second chance 



Edited by Alexander
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Ok? So you joined with another acc,and the only have commented/reacted to this post. Also wdym?? he clearly explained that the sus part was that he joined and immediately commented on this post and nothing else.

Why are you so negative,we live in a society.

Edited by fairgamer
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4 minutes ago, Alexander said:

no i wanted to log in anyways so then i logged in with steam i saw the unban appeal and i also saw it was true 

What?? asssuming that somehow explains it,which it does not since i cant even understand what you are trying to say.It still does not explain the fact that you only have commented/reacted to this post.Not to mention you share the exact fucking grammar that the other one acc does.

Edited by fairgamer
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I dont know Alexander i will say this know before more people will think we know each other  just cause he replied to my post 17 hours ago doesnt have to do with me and dont blame it on me

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Ok but you know how people can be they will always make excuses and because you replied to my post the blame will go on me not on you they will think we know each other and thats just messed up cause its not my fault if you replied to my post and i dont even know who u are


Edited by Rain
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1 minute ago, Rain said:

I dont know Alexander i will say this know before more people will think we know each other  just cause he replied to my post 17 hours ago doesnt have to do with me and dont blame it on me

The issue is not that he commented to this 18 hours ago,the problem is that you made this post,then within 1 hour "Alexander" made his account,and then commented this immediately,and has not commented to anything else.


3 minutes ago, Alexander said:

this unban appeal is the first thing i saw when i logged in r u dumb?

Ohh you got me there,also you dont get logged in seing a post? and you havent still sayd anything to the fact that you have only commented on this post,nothing else that is a issue.

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No but i can call out if someone has a clear alt who is crediting his main. Also please fucking adress the point i made, Why have you only commented on this unban appeal,not any other appeal.


Edited by fairgamer
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