Jason Ray 82 Posted October 12, 2020 In Game Name: Lukas Martello SteamID: STEAM_0:1:162739020 Crafting Table experience level: 67.5 What job does the Manufacturing Department have on site?: The manufacturing departments job is to provide armed units(mainly MTFs) with whatever they need for the job they do, this can vary from providing explosives to just providing ammo and ammo types. They do this by making, or rather manufaturing, them, MTFs can come to their shop to pick up most things, some things would logically require an ID because of the damage they can do in the wrong hands, I.E. explosives like SLAMS, breaching charges, grenadelaunchers. Why do you think you'll be a good fit for the Head of Manufacturing?: Cause I will just do my job, handing out whatever armed units need/want with some logical restraint on certain weaponry like SLAMs. If you work for the Foundation you do the job you need to do, you do not care about restrictions if they will end up hurting the Foundation, like the geneva convention, there is only the job you need to do.