
Zeref`s 5th Battalion Application

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Out of Character Section -


Steam Name: Zeref


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:114273258


Current rank on the server:  Event Planner


Age: 14


What is your playtime: (1 Week - Minimum) 13w 6d


Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: I have a microphone which is of good quality. I haven't had any complaints about it.


Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook: Yes I have read through it multiple times to ensure that I understand it fully. Also to ensure no mistakes are made.


Do you meet the requirements: Yes I do meet them all.


Quick summary about you: (70 Words - Minimum) In the community I am known as Zeref. I have played in the community for almost 2 years now and had a wonderful time here. I currently live in sweden where I go to school. During my free time I like to spend my time playing video games. Some games I enjoy currently are: Rainbow six siege, League of legends and Garry's mod. I also go to the gym 3 times a week. When it comes to Garry's mod I spend a lot of time every day playing on Werewolf Gaming. I also enjoy spending time with my friends on a daily basis. Another thing I do in my free time is play football. I go to practice twice a week. Another thing about me is that I have dyslexia, I am sure many people are aware of that because of my spelling in games and in discord.


In Character Section -


In-Game name: (Regiment, Rank and then your name) 501st Private Zeref and Jedi Historian Barriss


Highest rank obtained: T SMO(T EXO) and in Jedi Historian


What current rank do you have: Historian and PFC


What is your current regiment: 501st


What should we pick you for Battalion: (200 Words - Minimum) The reasons you should pick me for Battalion is that: I am an hard working individual, I am always looking for ways to improve and I am always open to take feedback and criticism so I can learn from my mistakes and improve from them. Another Reason why you should pick me for Battalion is that: I am and active person and spend hours on Garry's Mod everyday, on top of that my time on this server has allowed me to gain a good understanding of what every regiment does. From their equipment to what they specialise in, with this knowledge I am able to use them in their most effective way. During my time on this server I have also had the time to learn leading skills both in jedi and in clone through my various ranks, allowing me to lead in a good way.  This is obviously very important for a Battalion member. I am also an active person. I can be on in the early hours of the server and onto the later hours. This allows me to be on when no other Battalion are on. I am also able to quickly adapt to different situations which is very helpful when leading.


Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: (100 Words - Minimum) There are a lot of responsibilities for Battalion one of the most common ones is to: grant and deny requests on the base, this includes requests by both clones and jedi. Battalion also have a responsibility to make sure the regiment they supervising is doing good. This is in case the battalion is a 2nd LT+, they are to make sure the Hierarchy and the troopers are doing good and fulfilling their duties. The Battalion supervisor should also be doing 2 trainings every week with their regiment. On top of that they should also do open trainings if they feel like it. Finally, one of the most important duties of a battalion is to: Lead events. Which every battalion should be able to do to a good level.


Have you ever been demoted, banned or kicked: (If so, explain why) I was banned for LTARP in february 2019. Because i left the server when i was in brig


Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank: Yes I understand.


What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading? (IN DETAIL) When in combat and not the leading Battalion should stick with the regiment they are supervising (if they are 2nd lt+) or if the leading battalion assigned them to a regiment they should stick with that regiment. When Battalion are with their regiment they should not be leading the regiment but more stick with them and give suggestions on what to do next. They should also value their life and not just rush in as their lives matter and should not be wasted.


What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session?

Lead an event (base attack)

Host a successful debrief

and host a basic training containing faces, formations and questions with a regiment.


What is the job of the Co-Leader during events? The job of the co leader is to help the leading battalion make big decisions that influence the battle.  They should also be denying and granting small requests made by people in advert. They should not be using the voice amp. If the leading Battalion crashes they are to take over for him.


Anything else: N/A

fairy tail GIF

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The fact that this is your 5th app says a lot about your dedication to the role. Also you do well in your respective Jedi and EP ranks. Additionally, you've got a good application.

However, it has been a while since you were last an SO and you already have 2 major jobs you have to manage. Maybe you can manage 3 jobs but Battalion alone requires a lot of time and effort if you want to do well. And if you are unable to fully commit to Batt, you may get overlooked for someone who can.

Either way, best of luck with your app

Edited by Bean

Current Ranks:


Previous Ranks:

21st Commander - Jedi Paladin - 74th AMO - Battalion Captain - GM Colonel


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Been 74th ARC in the past so yeah your not stupid in terms of what battalion need. You have also worked with most regiments so you are knowledgeable about what to do in combat with each regiment.

Dont be stinky and dont say naught words around Barry

Good Luck

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Zeref has proved that he wants batt. Both in his amount of apps made but also how he has grown as a person since i met him for the first time

I think Zeref deserves a shot at battalion atleast. 


    Current Ranks                            Past Ranks
          SCP-RP Manager                                                IRP Manager
                                                                              IRP Event Manager

                                                                         CWRP Senior Event Planner

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Can’t comment on your past or whatever but I can say this much.

I’ve not spoke to you much but the few interactions I’ve had with you as an EP,  IC and OOC have all been positive. I’ve never had any problems with you. You seem mature and competent, and so I believe you to have potential for Battalion 

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No cap I want zeref in Battalion now. He has been on the server for a long time and he has gained a lot of experience. He is much better than previous choices for Battalion and he is trusted in EP. He is also very active so I will say +1


The Boys


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+1 Since I have known him I've never had a bad encounter with him, Very mature for his age and is clearly dedicated to wanting Battalion, and is also trust worthy due to being an Event Planner.

Current ranks

CWRP Vice Manager

Previous ranks

Jedi Aegis
501st Marshal Commander
DS Commando F69
501st Vice Commander
Temp 501st Commander

Jedi Senior Guardian



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He's legit gone for Battalion 5 times should now be given a chance

Has also improved from every Battalion application and should finally be accepted

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Current Ranks

CWRP Staff Manager

Plo Koon

Sith Initiate

Past Ranks

327th Colonel

Head of Battalion

 Republic Vice Admiral

 Imperial Grand Admiral

CWRP Admin

Jedi Champion

Jedi Battle Master

501st Vader's Fist Vice Commander

Imperial Commando DS Squad Leader

Imperial Commando Vice Commander S-12



Major General

Lieutenant General


IRP Event Planner

IRP Senior Event Planner

IRP Deputy Event Manager

IRP Super Admin (For 20 Minutes)

IRP Event Manager

IRP Vice Manager

IRP Manager

ICRP Manager

TRP Manager

Rebel Alpha Commander

FiveM Staff Manager




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5th app, great determination, i havent heard anything bad regarding behaviour or disrespect in a real long time.

He is dedicated to the server.

Haven't had too many interactions so i don't know his personality or leading capabilities but he has been trial exo, so im guessing he has some skills in leading.

Maybe there will be a bit of a struggle being EP and Jedi aswell as Batt.

Edited by Jared

Current Rank:

[Battalion Captain]

SWRP Event Planner

Previous Ranks:

[DU Commander]


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Big +1

He is a pretty cool guy, has made some battalion apps before which shows how much he wants to become battalion, nice application, never seen him being toxic towards anyone, as he is always so friendly with others.
Honestly he really deserves battalion.

Good Luck Zeref.

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- You are your fifth application, you are clearly dedicated to the role.

- You are an EP, you've dealt with your fair share of people.

- You are a well known and respected member of the community.

- You may hove some issues with adverts due to your dyslexia, however while there is nothing that can be done about this; you should be ready for a lot of crap in OOC.

- Your choice of text colors and background hurts me.

Best of Luck to you Zeref.





Credit to Loki for this.



Current Ranks


Grand Admiral

SWRP Manager

212th ET

Previous Ranks

Admirality - lol skipped VA m8

CE Marshal Commander

(Temp) DU Marshal Commander

(Temp) 21st Marshal Commander

(Temp) CG Vice Commander

Jedi Padawan - Like a boss

41st NCO

Fallschirmjager - Jäger

Caesar Obergefreiter


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5th App, shows dedication to the role
Active and great performance


Current Ranks
Jr Developer
CF-99 Squad Leader

Former Ranks
IRP Executive Administrator
Fleet Commodore
Dark Council
501st ARC Colonel
Master of the Order
RRD Researcher


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- You are on your fifth application, so shows you really want battlion

- You are an EP, so trusted and can handle tough situations

- You are a well known and respected member of the community and you get along with most people

- Good Luck 

(only thing thats lets you down is that you need more English lessions XD)


- IC Ranks -

|- Grogu | 17/05/21 - FOREVER | | - Grand Master Yoda | 07/04/21 - 17/05/21 | | - Mace Windu | 27/03/21 - 07/04/21 |

|- Anakin Skywalker | 24/08/20 - 27/03/21 | |- Jedi Force Master | 11/04/20 - 24/08/20 | |- Jedi Warden | 29/02/2020 - 11/04/20 |

- OOC Ranks - |- Event Planner | 04/07/20 - 26/02/2020 |


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You have been accepted into Battalion, contact a member of Battalion Command for you introduction and mentor.


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