Lando Lovelace

Lando's O5 Council Application

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Your in-Game Name: Lando Norris ,"Norris" To some

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:526501347

Your Age: 14

Your In-Game Playtime: 3 Weeks 4 Days

Your Warns: unknown.png

Rate Your RP Skills: I hate this question, so god damn much. Makes me sound so selfish. I'd say 7/10 

What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?: O5-(Open Slot) "The Enforcer"

Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?: Yes, 3 weeks of playtime have brought be great understanding of the rules of SCP RP.

Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions): I believe i should be part of the council because i have experience and over all interactions with just Site Administration and a current place on the Ethics Committee. In my time as a member of the Committee i have learnt the inner workings of FA. I believe i have the correct skills like organizing units (Nu-7 NCO, Ex Omega-1 Commander) I know the working of the O5 Council (BeforeUnWL MTF Alpha-1) From this i have gained skills such as close quarter evasion, The skill to not only protect myself but look out for others, Making on the spot decisions (ECM) Working of almost every foundation job on the server.  Not only this but i believe i have the proper experience and overall determination to be apart of the council, it has always and will remain that 1 Whitelist i want to have, and hopefully get.

The Ethics Committee not only maintains ethicality but also manages human recourses and infact Foundation Recourses. This is very helpful for the job on the Council mainly due to their main goals on the server, and i Lore. This also brings skills like Micromanaging MTF's (old WL Omega-1) and working closely with jobs like ISD, im good at keeping things on the lowdown. As an Ex Omega-1 Commander and Ex WL Alpha-1 Agent i have picked up the working of all jobs across foundation administration, this makes me good at interacting with jobs like the HoEA or even SA's.

Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Administration?:  The Council not only manages the foundation and its members, it also keeps it on track, this can be sometimes through any means necessary, hence why the foundation almost never fails in what they do. The reason its so different from other FA, is mostly due to their status at the foundation: A, They are the bosses, they control and Oversee all operations. B, Being a high prestigious group within the foundation, they are respected by all, and in return are given MTF's like Alpha-1, its like the Councils determination rubs of on other people. As said before, they oversee Everything, along with the help of other FA's they make the final decision in everything, hence why each member has their own department, Each department if run like this for example MTF Epsilon- 11, Being a containment team are not only overseen by the Council, but with MTF Alpha-1 being the second managers you could say. 

Being Clearance Level 5, again not much is known about them, that again is another difference...Nobody knows who they are. The "logo" for the Council shows this greatly. 

Eg: O5.png.6c09d280b3dfbb03047ce2617a4fdde8.pngAs you can see, just black and white figures.

The Council are also not allowed to come into contact with certain GOI's unlike HoEA where they are tasked to do that for the Council. 

Chain Of Command

"The Administrator"              [Cannot Be Confirmed]

The O5 Council

Site Director(s)


Site Advisors

[MTF Commanders/HOS

What is the O5 Council?:

Are you currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?: NCO/Drill Instructor In Nu-7. 

What Department would you like to focus on? (Research, Mobile Task Forces, Ethics,...): Internal Security/Law Enforcement.               Pretty much every WL i have very had has been related to law enforcement  

The Council...

The Council is deprived of 13 members, All form different backgrounds, different people and not correlated together, They lead the foundation in their strides for what the fight for, Secure Contain Protect. All they fight for is the foundation, Their identity's and even looks are shrouded in mystery, Nobody apart from the few, Sometimes called "Lucky Ones" Know them or even what they sound like. Some of them obtain various anomalous ability's.

Thanks for reading my application. If you have Further or private comments you would like to talk to me about DM me on discord, PurpleTunnel#6969

Thanks for reading have a nice night


Ps its 2AM so sorry for any grammar mistakes, im really fucking tired

Edited by Lando Norris.
grammar and font

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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-1 (For now)




- Nothing really




- Doesn't reach basic requirements 

- App is confusing, and hard to read.

- Doesn't seem to know alot about what an O5 is. 

- Hasn't done anything notable, or something to stand out to be chosen. 

- Hardly seen playing Site Administration 


Overall, fix up your app, read more about the O5 Council, reach the basic requirements, and do stuff that makes you a clear choice over someone else.


(Also, about that O5 "Logo", all those O5's don't exist, and O5-5 "Felis" is a custom made one by Joshy and isn't a "Magical Cat")

Edited by Johnwickisblak



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7 hours ago, Johnwickisblak said:

-1 (For now)




- Nothing really




- Doesn't reach basic requirements 

- App is confusing, and hard to read.

- Doesn't seem to know alot about what an O5 is. 

- Hasn't done anything notable, or something to stand out to be chosen. 

- Hardly seen playing Site Administration 


Overall, fix up your app, read more about the O5 Council, reach the basic requirements, and do stuff that makes you a clear choice over someone else.


(Also, about that O5 "Logo", all those O5's don't exist, and O5-5 "Felis" is a custom made one by Joshy and isn't a "Magical Cat")

To be fair, he does play ECM on a regular basis from what I've seen. But I'm not gonna give my opinion on this.


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