
MC&D Application

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Common Roleplay Name: Agent Wright

Steam Name: [GL] Noahno08

Discord Name: Dr.Brownie#0001

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:420430728

Your Current Warns (15 warn limit, take a screenshot):

Your Current Playtime: About 1 week and 7 hours.

Why do you want to join MC&D?: I want to join MC&D because I think I would be a great fit for it. I am a active player within the community who loves and is great at RP'ing. I am wishing to join because most of the time MC&D is not that active and I want to be apart of it to sell and make money while also keeping our suppliers happy, I feel like I would be a great fit for the salesman team and a great player within the werewolf community to hold the Salesmen whitelist and withhold all of its standards without failing or being inactive and failing to keep the community happy and ovis city supplied.

How often do you play Bouncer/Agent: Most of the time if a salesman is on. But maybe 30 minutes a day or lower.

Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer): Yes I understand and have read the job rules along with the Code of Conduct and permissions on this page.

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