Lando Lovelace

Roach Sanderson Ban Request

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Your name in-game: Lando Norris

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:526501347

Person's you report name: Roach Sanderson

Person's you report SteamID: will get later

Why do you want him banned?: Mass DTP/DTS, Constant Toxicity
Ok lemme explain, The sit begins normally, Norra is beginning to explain the situation and why he needs to stop being a power-hungry retard, He looses his shit at Norra to the point where he has EVERY staff member on the server there. he is then jailed and goes ape shit  Roach is a Toxic fuck and he does not only do this to staff, be he will go mental and throw death threats at people for doing the smallest things. Yeah yeah everyone has come across that one Angry ass guy but this is different. Since i posted the video in the discord people have been telling me to make a ban request, some even being suppressed how he is not Perma Banned. The shit he says is disgusting and to hear and to be a new player, make a mistake and have this guy shout at you is a horrible feeling. I remember i was a new player and i got lost in EZ, i wondered into a Room where Nu-7 were having a meeting only to be shouted down by him. I am sure EVERYONE, staff or not, has come across him when he is angry.
Now what i don't understand is Why Norra, Maurice or Mile didnt do anything, its blatant mass DTS/DTP and they left it?

Evidence(It's a must. If not provided, request is denied.):

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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If Norra was present as you say, then the matter is already dealt with,  and there would be no reason to make a ban request. 

If he did anything punishable,  Norra would have punished him there, I see it as excessive to make a ban request when you also did state that most of the staff was present too. 

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1 hour ago, Lorex Krato said:



If Norra was present as you say, then the matter is already dealt with,  and there would be no reason to make a ban request. 

If he did anything punishable,  Norra would have punished him there, I see it as excessive to make a ban request when you also did state that most of the staff was present too. 

You sure about that Lorex?


This is not the first time roach was toxic like this. For example, I had to deal with him after he decided to anger the PD and the mayor, and because of him i had to clean up his mess. Naturally i had to make him explain what happened but then decided to be toxic towards me. Mile and Maurice had to come over to calm him down but, naturally, he wouldnt. He even shot maurice (or he shot mile, idk) a few times in anger and kept being racist to everyone who was watching that sit in EZ cells. 


No offence, but i think a ban will be a necessary course of action for this, in my opinion. This is getting worse and worse.

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59 minutes ago, Makarov said:

You sure about that Lorex?


This is not the first time roach was toxic like this. For example, I had to deal with him after he decided to anger the PD and the mayor, and because of him i had to clean up his mess. Naturally i had to make him explain what happened but then decided to be toxic towards me. Mile and Maurice had to come over to calm him down but, naturally, he wouldnt. He even shot maurice (or he shot mile, idk) a few times in anger and kept being racist to everyone who was watching that sit in EZ cells. 


No offence, but i think a ban will be a necessary course of action for this, in my opinion. This is getting worse and worse.

I am well aware that Roach likes to badmouth people, being done so upon and witnessed it.

However,  in this case the accuser does very specifically state that most if not all of the staff was there in the sit. Which means if none of them punished him, then none of the staff deemed whatever was going on as warn or ban worthy.

And guessing how Norra is, imma guess Maurice stood there making sarcastic remarks, Mile made jokes and Norra called him something bad, returning the favour to Roach with his use of the vocabulary. 

As stated, I know Roach can be a dick,

But if a Security Staff, Moderator and Staff Manager didn't warn or ban him, then I dont think it's a reason to bring it up again.

Though i would love the staffs opinions about the matter. 

(I'm not -1'ing because I dont like any of the sides, but simply me seeing someone report someone who was in a sit with multiple staff already,  making it seem like the accuser wants Roach more punished for something already possibly resolved)

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His Whitelist for commander was removed by Norra at that time, which if you consider how often he played commander, is allready pretty big punishment,you are essentially removing something that may have been one of the few reasons he actually plays on the server.

Personally this is also the first time I seen roach have a breakdown like that, so I have no context about how often this happens/ how bad/etc.

And  you probably wont get warned for DTP or DTS because you were throwing around with insults.

What will get you warned/banned most likely is, if you actually personally attack people / try to bully them of the server.
Most people can shrug off random insults, while personal attacks / constant bullying is not as easily tolerable for many people.


Also, if a player actually reports DTP it will be treated more heavily.Not a single player reported roach, we stepped in before, but without anyone actually reporting it. Staff, espcially more expirenced once, will not really care if they get insulted,  and so may choose not to warn someone.


If you actually want to show roach is being consitantly toxic and mass DTPing, you should maybe show proof of him over and over doing it, not having a breakdown once.

You could very well use this video in part of your evidence, but if you want to show "constant" toxicity, you can't just include him having a one time mental breakdown.

Edited by Maurice D Biggs
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