
Morts 1st Event Planner Application.

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Steam Name: Mort

RP Names: Jedi Specialist Mort and 212th CPL Mort

Teamspeak Name: Mort

Playtime on server: 7w. If you see my playtime with ULX it will only say 1w 2d but that's because of a reset, i have screenshots as proof that i used to have 5w and 5d of playtime (pm me in discord if you want it).

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:185515074

Any experience in staffing: Yes, i've been part of the O5 Council in a SCP server (which in that server gives you ULX access).

Current Age: 16

Warns/Bans: 0, i got warned once but appealed on forums and got accepted since it was stupid.
Proof of this will be at the end of the app.

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes, recently got a new one which sounds very good.

Event Plan:

Map: Rishimoon.

Republic Side:
A ship requests permission to land, Battalion asks for landing codes, the ship will give them and proceed to land after being granted by Battalion, that ship contains a group of Engineers that are here for the manteinance of GR, they will go inside the base until reaching GR, the workers turn out to be droids, who after arriving to GR they will kill all the CE in there and destroy the GR, this is where the event starts. 327th501st and 212th will move to GR and start an attempt of retaking it, there will be droids in both sides, GR and BHB, which will make hard for frontlines to push in, after that, GM and GC will flank from above GC will stay up without dropping down, snipping, while GM will drop down and turn those droids into liquid metal with their flamethrowers, after the GR is retaken, DU will set up fortifications there, after that droids will ask for reeinforcements, in which CIS Vultures and Hyenas will arrive with a CIS Munificent, half of CE will stay in the GR while the other half takes off with their ships, Jedi Aces may assist if Jedi event is over. While the Vultures and Hyenas are attacking, the munnificent will drop droppods in the LPs, now all frontline regiments will try to retake the LPs DU will fortificate the MC and protect it with CT while frontlines are pushing so that the droids dont take GR back. When the Republic finishes the push, 212th will plant explosives on the droppods and detonate them,  after that, leading Battalion will say that now we are in Defcon 4 and send GC on speeders and RC on headhunters to scout the area, they will find that scav camp has been turned into a CIS base protected by a rayshield, CE and RC will attempt to hack it, after that it will be a last stand for CIS, after they are defeated, Defcon 5 will be resumed and debrief will happen.

Space Wizard time:
A Sith arrives to the JT LP with a beaten up Initiate, the Sith and Ambassadors (if no ambassadors on Consulars will negotiate)  will negotiate with the Sith, the Sith will lose his patience and start attacking the Jedi,  Sages will take care of curing the Initiate while BladeWarriors engage the Sith first, then the other Jedi will engage, after some fighting the Sith will be defeated, in which he has 2 options, surrendering or fleeing.

Fleeing Option: The Sith in a desperate attempt tries to steal an ETA-2 and cheese it out, Jedi Aces will take off and merk his ass.

Surrendering Option: The Sith will surrender, will be arrested by a Peacekeeper or Master if not Peacekeepers online, taken to JC and close them so that no Jedi enters it, will call Jedi Shadows to interrogate the sith, from this point and on it's up to the Sith to speak, or have his throat sliced wide open.

EC Health and Amount:


10 Droids, they will be Commandos, HP 2K

Only one, therefore will be strong, Sith Marauder with Demo Saber, 200k HP.

(i dont know why the warn proof is here, forums being stupid i guess).

Event Infromation: Disguised Engineers that destroy GR and fight the republic until aid arrives, then they set up a base in scav camp which will be their last stand.

Have you ever done an event before?: In the SCP server i used to do events yes, but in this server the closest i've ever been to doing an event is hosting HG.

What was your event and was it succesfully executed: Sith comes into JT with a Sith Holocron and asks Jedi to fuse them, main idea of this was that Jedi could manage to fool the Sith and steal his holocron, which ended up happening so yes.

Do you understand the responsibilities that an EP has? If so what are they?: Mantaining the player base entertained with events, take claims related to the Event when he is E Host, set spawns and check that everything is going as smooth as possible.

Do you understand that at the beggining of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes, i fully understand and i am completely fine with that.

Anything else:  W-G E-Planner, also thank you for taking your time to read my app, i know that i suggested some retarded ideas as event in the past but i think now i could do proper Events.

Best of Luck to the other applicants.

Edited by Mort
Forgot to put SteamID


Current Ranks
Jr Developer
Battalion Officer

Former Ranks
CF-99 Squad Leader
IRP Executive Administrator
Fleet Commodore
Dark Council
501st ARC Colonel
Master of the Order
RRD Researcher


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+1 good event

Current Ranks:

RC Commander F68

SWRP CWRP Staff Manager

Previous Ranks:

OS Squad Leader F68

21st Best Model
21st/GM Nova Corps Senior Commander

SWRP CWRP Super Admin
SWRP CWRP Lead Mentor

Jedi Champion
Jedi Specialist
Jedi Paladin

Plo Koon (Jedi High Council)

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I will be only looking at the event itself and not the person 
Nice layout and easy to read, 
Two options for sith is nice 
Both sides of the story are pretty bog standard, 
Regiment specific orders which make leading a event as battlion not fun 

This could deffinatly be expanded and become a much more intresting event as at the moment it is REALLY over used event idea

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27 minutes ago, Pie said:

I will be only looking at the event itself and not the person 
Nice layout and easy to read, 
Two options for sith is nice 
Both sides of the story are pretty bog standard, 
Regiment specific orders which make leading a event as battlion not fun 

This could deffinatly be expanded and become a much more intresting event as at the moment it is REALLY over used event idea

Alright, thank you for the feedback, will probably use that if i ever get the chance to do the event.


Current Ranks
Jr Developer
Battalion Officer

Former Ranks
CF-99 Squad Leader
IRP Executive Administrator
Fleet Commodore
Dark Council
501st ARC Colonel
Master of the Order
RRD Researcher


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With the event team being full, we unfortunately didn't think you would be the best candidate for the last spot. Feel free to reapply once apps reopen again

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