Luke Holding

MC&D Application

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Posted (edited)

Common Roleplay Name: Luke Holding

Steam Name: LeadingRanger 

Discord Name: LeadingRanger#5926

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:554528839

Your Current Warns (15 warn limit, take a screenshot): I have 0 (I can give a 6 hour old one as not on PC to get proper screenshot)

Your Current Playtime: 5d 0h 54mins

Why do you want to join MC&D?: I would like to become apart of MC&D because I would like to be the middle person in weapon sails and also to be the one people go to so then they are able to purchase weaponry. This makes me want to join MC&D as I have had an interest in MC&D since I first learnt of the SCP Lore, the lore is what made me enjoy SCPRP and also what got me to be interested in other Groups of interest rather than just becoming the foundation. Once I heard of MC&D in lore, that is when I began to gain interest of this GOI due to its stealth and the true power on what weapons they do end up to sell over a period of time and also the secrecy MC&D does have. Also, I have seen MC&D RP happen when I was it’s bouncer and also when I was purchasing weapons from the sailsman, it’s RP is discrete and also key based so they will know where to buy  

How often do you play Bouncer/Agent: I do play Bouncer every so often when there is actually a sailsman that joins so then I can be bringing defensiveness to the RP and also to bring dedication to the RP position  

Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer): I have read all the job rules and also the code of conduct for this certain job. I understand what I can and can’t do in an RP situation. 

Note: I wrote this application on mobile so sorry if the application has a too big of a font 

Edited by LeadingRanger
34 minutes ago, Kian Raanvik said:



Add a little more

Will add more. Just can’t now when not on PC. When I am I will work to add more on. Thanks for the criticisms, I will use them to work better as a whole


Thanks man. If I do get accepted I do plan to portray my activity while with the Sailsman job. Thanks for the support


Dear Applicant, 

I have decided to Accept your application to become a Salesman.
Contact either me or staff at the earliest convenience to receive your whitelist.
Welcome to Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd. Do not disappoint us.

Mr Ruprecht Carter

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