Peter file

Ban request for Agent Meow

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Your name in-game:John Kyle

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:444288951

Person's you report name:Agent Meow

Person's you report SteamID:STEAM_0:0:120420347

Why do you want him banned?: he broke raid rules as ci spy
heres a rundown of what happened:
there was a hacking at GA me and some othe nu7 ran up there and saw noone since a hack just happened i didnt expect anyone to be around so i went and placed cameras at subway, i see a agent meow at the hallway coming to me, i quickly run inside again and before i can close it he steps in between pulls out a gun and shoots me then procceeds to hack again.

Evidence(It's a must. If not provided, request is denied.):
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-1 Very Vague also its not against the rules for a CI Spy or ci in general to hack GA then run to MT and hack that. As that still counts as the same raid UNLESS they die. then it would be classed as raid timer.

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4 hours ago, Twinkies said:

-1 Very Vague also its not against the rules for a CI Spy or ci in general to hack GA then run to MT and hack that. As that still counts as the same raid UNLESS they die. then it would be classed as raid timer.

umm he didnt hack mt he hacked GA he ran away, after the hack was over i went at subway to place cameras he came back killed me (he couldnt possibly know nu7 uniforms coz server had restarted like 10 mins prier and no nu7 had visited the surface) and procceded to hack GA again all this in about 2 mins 


Edited by Peter file
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3 minutes ago, Peter file said:

umm he didnt hack mt he hacked GA he ran away, after the hack was over i went at subway to place cameras he came back killed me (he couldnt possibly know nu7 uniforms coz server had restarted like 10 mins prier and no nu7 had visited the surface) and procceded to hack GA again all this in about 2 mins 


Well, you need proof to prove that, you know. And even then, if he did kill you after he came back, it COULD be metagaming.

Neutral for now

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As i see things as of now this post is just the salt you felt when he shot you in the face while he baited you at the gate A raid area. Maybe you should be more laid back and quit trynna ban gamers  just cuz they outsmarted you. 

-1 Post lacks video or actual screenshot evidence of the incident itself.
-1 Post also lacks details and locations of said persons as well as the area status of the incident.
-1 User failed to put any effort in the application and possibly only aim is to get someone they dont like banned.
***Next time record.***


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If you see someone Armed Open a door belonging to the Foundation or said Organization you can Arrest them or Kill them

If you see someone just open it and you have not seen their weapon or appear unarmed you can arrest them

(correct me if I'm wrong, still unsure)


No Evidence also if he "broke raid timer" If imp reading this correctly you can hack GA then run to MT and hack that, vise versa

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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