
MC&D Salesman application

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Common Roleplay Name: Johnny Pipi

Steam Name: Sm00ly


Current Playtime: 3 days, 12 hours, 35 mintues as of application

Why do I want to join MC&D?: Because I would find it fun to play as this job, and I would like to try something new.

How often do you play bouncer/agent?: Maybe 2 times every 2-3 days, to me it just feels like FA under different management so I just mosly play FA because It's basically the same job but for different company.

Have you read the job rules and the Code of Conduct/Permission?: I have read them and I understand the consenquences of not following these rules.



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No offence but... -1

Your playtime seem's okay but the problem is, how much time you would actually put into MC&D. It seems like you enjoy FA more and have little interest in MC&D. Though I understand why people are rarely on MC&D or not at all, and salesman is literally the only interesting job, but it doesn't seem like you do any surface jobs and you're more of SCP guy. I'd suggest putting more time into your SCPF roleplay than GOI roleplays.

Also in the future, if you want a good compelling argument for a job application or other stuff, you'd want your writing to be more that a few sentence's that just barely form a paragraph if you can write up at least a whole paper, that's a great way to get someone's eye and make them realize you're interested and trying hard.

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9 hours ago, TheScarletKing said:

No offence but... -1

Your playtime seem's okay but the problem is, how much time you would actually put into MC&D. It seems like you enjoy FA more and have little interest in MC&D. Though I understand why people are rarely on MC&D or not at all, and salesman is literally the only interesting job, but it doesn't seem like you do any surface jobs and you're more of SCP guy. I'd suggest putting more time into your SCPF roleplay than GOI roleplays.

Also in the future, if you want a good compelling argument for a job application or other stuff, you'd want your writing to be more that a few sentence's that just barely form a paragraph if you can write up at least a whole paper, that's a great way to get someone's eye and make them realize you're interested and trying hard.

Even at school I can't write essay works I'm fucking illiterate what am I supposted to do if I can only spew out 2 sentences that make sense?

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