
Mick's SD Wl application

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In Game Name:Mick Johnson

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:554857870

Age: 17

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: not in scp but before sd was a wl i played it alot

Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?:
I think I will be a good sd because I have a lot of experience in leading organizations, when I started with gmod I went milrp game there I learned the roleplay and at a certain moment I was the commander so I had to lead over 50 men there was a lot to consider like which decision should be the best, later I went to police rp and learned to make decisions quickly so I think an I will be a good asset as sd.

What role does the Site Director have on the site?: the Site Director is Basiclly the on-site O5, he works with the high command to discuss and  make the best decisions, The site directors makes sure everything runs smoothly on site and can adress concerns and questions to the site high command. hes also capable of respond to the O5 

What is the O5 Council?: the O5 Council is the highest ranking heirachy in the foundation no one can outrank them  there resoneble for ensuring that the site or department there linked to is activily progressing and reaching new hights, altough the Council are linked to a department for example internal security they oversee the people who have the leadership in the internal security department and make sure it goes smooth, so long story short there have the last word and 
they decide what happen and what to do, 

ps: i got dyslexia and iam dutch so thats why its might a mess 

Edited by snutand
i added more detail
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-1 / Neutral

I think that theres a lack of detail and its really roughly put together, if I look at the most recent SD applications they look way more appropriate and put time into then yours. Now let me give you some help.


Responding to the Application:


Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?:
I think I will be a good sd because I have a lot of experience in leading organizations, when I started with gmod I went milrp game there I learned the roleplay and at a certain moment I was the commander so I had to lead over 50 men there was a lot to consider like which decision should be the best, later I went to police rp and learned to make decisions quickly so I think an I will be a good asset as sd.

Fair enough, actually. If thats true thats a good leading skill that you acquired. Just that you possibly lack some SCP lore.



What role does the Site Director have on the site?: the SD is the highest rank before the O5 its oversees the site and decide what to happen,
the site director only answer the O5

Well, you are right. I can tell you that for sure. But theres really just so much info about the Site Director missing. Like, what does he mainly do? What is he responsible for? Also the SD does not oversee the sight, it is directly responsible for operation in the site and is to maintain that mostly undisturbed by for example raids or other disturbances.



What is the O5 Council?: the O5 Council is the highest ranking heirachy in the foundation no one can outrank them 
they decide what happen and what to do, 

Again, you are right. But its again missing a lot of info and very roughly put together. You didn't mention that the 05 is responsible to   oversees all sites around thew world, which is actually a main task which they have to perform. (I don't know much about the 05 Council myself, but for sure thats missing)



You fixed most of the main issues, it might still be a little rough but I guess it's good enough for a Site Director application. Good luck with the App 😉

Edited by Just Ben
He updated his application.


🔱Josh Nixon🔱
Director Nixon<

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You application for site director has been DENIED

What SD does needs more details. For why you would be good as SD I want reasoning that is more related to this server. More leadership experience would be preferred. What O5 council is section was sufficient enough. You may reapply in a week.

O5-5 ''The Survivor''


Edited by Fixer
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