
Marshal Carter & Dark Application

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Common Roleplay Name: Enjur Roberts

Steam Name: Crusty

Discord Name: Leo and Misty#7019

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39814724

Your Current Warns (15 warn limit, take a screenshot): I got 10 warns and most of them are from May and August and i'm kinda tired to take a screenshot you can just look at my status

Your Current Playtime: 5 Days and 20h

Why do you want to join MC&D?: I would like to join MC&D to give special and anomalous offers to any avalabile to order them, I would also like to join Marshal Carter and Dark to get profit and give it to the needy, not only that but we can give offers to the foundation and the Gouvererment on surface. We can sell anomalous, drugs, guns etc etc to any community that needs it. Also I have no other jobs to play as... But I will still like to join the MC&D :3

How often do you play Bouncer/Agent: Hmm, well I only play it when I want to.

Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer): Yes, I have red the MC&D thread within the application. I hope I can join, love you ❤️


-Mister. Enjur Roberts


hello wearwolf players




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Sorry but it doesn't look like you have much interest in MC&D. It seems like you want to be salesman just so you can have the white list. You don't really have a feel for MC&D itself as for I don't think I've seen you on as Agent or Bouncer. If you wish to become salesman in the future, put more time into MC&D.

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