
Mick Johnson's O5-8 Application

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Your in-Game Name: Mick Johnson


Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:554857870


Your Age: 17


Your In-Game Playtime: 2d 14h (+ around 5 days on my old account if that counts)


Your Warns: 0


Rate Your RP Skills: 9/10


What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?: O5-8: "Magnolia".


Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?: Yes


Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role :  


i think ill be a good part of the O5 cause i got a lot experience in different roleplay environments and i know what i do i can make fun if the roles i have let it to but i wouldnt be mingy on roles its not accepteble 


~my time in mrp~


so as i mentioned before i played a lot of time on gmod mrp 

i started as an enlisted and learned to listen to higher ups so i know how its is to be in a lower rank, later on i climbed up the ranks and became the commander of my branch which brought a lot of responsibilities whit it in my term there where circa 50 enlisted/officers, i needed to make a lot decisions and make sure people were happy with it so i needed to discuss a lot so i know how to talk with people and how to make compromises so everything went smoothly  sometimes it was frustrating and annoying due the fact that you have that much leadership but i stayed cause i enjoyed it and when my term was over i made sure the new commander would be set to start his term, after my term i went back in the field and was a squad lead so i needed to make quick BUT good decisions so no one would die i learned that more and when i had played a around a year i decided to take a break so i went to the police rp.




~my time in police rp~


so the basically the same story as mrp but i didn't become the highest rank wich 

i was oke with but when i got the right rank i became marshall wich where specialised in protecting and negotiating and more 

i chose the negotiation role cause i like the way id go so after a long time i was handpicked for swat where i needed lead raids and counters the planning was more precise then mrp cause we had civilians and not everything which wasn't us was hostile so i learned that, sometimes i need to make tough decisions for example is he a victim or a hostile you needed to guarantee safety which was in the beggining kinda hard but i began to understand it after that i stopped a while in gmod


so overall i think i have the requirements for the O5 and if i don't have specific knowledge i would love to learn it.

when i began with playing scp-rp i joined SA or SD alot when it wasnt a Wl job and 

i loved it to play in administrative roles i don't know why but i think it's more roleplay to have something like a real chain of command and departments like this.



i think ill be a good part of the O5 cause i got a lot experience in different roleplay environments and i know what i do i can make fun if the roles i have let it to but i wouldnt be mingy on roles its not accepteble 


~my time in mrp~


so as i mentioned before i played a lot of time on gmod mrp 

i started as an enlisted and learned to listen to higher ups so i know how its is to be in a lower rank, later on i climbed up the ranks and became the commander of my branch which brought a lot of responsibilities whit it in my term there where circa 50 enlisted/officers, i needed to make a lot decisions and make sure people were happy with it so i needed to discuss a lot so i know how to talk with people and how to make compromises so everything went smoothly  sometimes it was frustrating and annoying due the fact that you have that much leadership but i stayed cause i enjoyed it and when my term was over i made sure the new commander would be set to start his term, after my term i went back in the field and was a squad lead so i needed to make quick BUT good decisions so no one would die i learned that more and when i had played a around a year i decided to take a break so i went to the police rp.




~my time in police rp~


so the basically the same story as mrp but i didn't become the highest rank wich 

i was oke with but when i got the right rank i became marshall wich where specialised in protecting and negotiating and more 

i chose the negotiation role cause i like the way id go so after a long time i was handpicked for swat where i needed lead raids and counters the planning was more precise then mrp cause we had civilians and not everything which wasn't us was hostile so i learned that, sometimes i need to make tough decisions for example is he a victim or a hostile you needed to guarantee safety which was in the beggining kinda hard but i began to understand it after that i stopped a while in gmod


so overall i think i have the requirements for the O5 and if i don't have specific knowledge i would love to learn it.

when i began with playing scp-rp i joined SA or SD alot when it wasnt a Wl job and 

i loved it to play in administrative roles i don't know why but i think it's more roleplay to have something like a real chain of command and departments like this.



Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself 

differs from any other site Adminstration?: the O5 council differs form normall administraion cause there have been in here a long time and got the complete rulership about the foundation and they even can pass laws and order people for example the sd even so that the sd needs to respond to the O5 they can order to kill any high comand and the can initiate classifed procedures 


What is the O5 Council?:the O5 is are the highest ranking people in the scp heirachy novbody can outrank them and they now every secret there also the directors of there disired department 

and there 13 (in this case 12) O5 categories 1 till 12 and they are all diffrent one is for 

internal security and other for the administration, the O5 can also pass laws if so needed and can order everyone below then to do whatever they please.


Are you currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site 

Director?: currently a nu-7 pvt and i applyed for Sd


What Departement would you like to focus on?: Internal Security Department

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Dude uh, I'm gonna have to -1 this one.
1. O5-8 is taken already, O5-6 is the open spot but this isn't the main issue.
2. Your grammar, while better than the applicants of some other jobs, is still quite an eyesore, as well as the colouring of it.
3. Your time on the server is still relatively low, even with 5+ as your main estimate. 
4. Your community presence is very low, the only thing we've seen from you is a request to make maps and one application, with some of the first notices of you on the Discord only today.
5.  Your current position is not much of a good point to make, as the application states "Are you currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?" to which you replied that you are an enlisted unit and have applied for another command position. 

Sorry man, it's just a lot of points, a lot of which can be improved with time, such as: playtime, positions on the server, community presence, and eventually grammar.

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Before you think that I am just stating facts of other comments, I'll have my own.

Yes, the others have their reasons which are not faulty like that we barely saw you on the server or the lack of experience you hold on this server. But I think that you just might be a little to early in applying for jobs like this, it takes responsibility and leadership skills which I cannot judge since I barely have seen you since the few days I became active on the server again. I do like your detailing in your description but I have to mention, you copied the same part twice which makes it look way more filled and thats basically cheating since you are trying to be a show-off. So I really have to discredit you for that.


🔱Josh Nixon🔱
Director Nixon<

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I am denying this application becasue I want you to take some time into how you present your application. By presenting I mean in terms of formating it to make it look neater and more able to read as the way you have coloured the text can make it hard to read and just blared out.

Take a week or more to revise the app make it look better and show me that are capable of such a task, then if you are able to do I am willing to trial you in O5 but not untill you improve drastically

Present SCP Ranks:
SCP Developer

SCP Ranks Past
SCP Manager
SCP Head Admin
SCP-Head Moderator             
SCP-096 Co-Manager
Onerioi Collective
Ethics Committee Manager
Chaos Insurgency Delta Manager
Sarkic Manager
O5 Council Manager


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