
Help me convince the hc i can make a new scp-rp map plus big city

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so yeah ive been a freelance map dev and i made maps for 4 communitys and i would like to make a map

for scp rp like more solid more detail etc ive contacted harland and hc but they dont respond 

and iam not gonna make it if the say "well see" so i willing to make a full new map and some cool shit within

who want to help me reach the hc

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As an amatuer map maker who hasn't released a single map yet, it takes more than just a few 1000 hours on gmod to make something viable. I'm no expert and I don't need to be to tell you that theres already other maps out there which already fit our needs better.

I like your enthusiam to help the server however it's best to learn more about map creation as well as the servers needs before actually doing anything.

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I have a better idea. How about you make an SCP RP map, show it to us (Just a video and scheme/map presentation , no files or anything) , if it gets liked then it probably gets added and you become a mapper. If not, you just contact other SCP RP servers since I don't think you are a regular player here and you wont miss us, would you?

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On 11/30/2020 at 4:08 AM, Kruni said:

I have a better idea. How about you make an SCP RP map, show it to us (Just a video and scheme/map presentation , no files or anything) , if it gets liked then it probably gets added and you become a mapper. If not, you just contact other SCP RP servers since I don't think you are a regular player here and you wont miss us, would you?

Honestly this.

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well thx for all the comments but ive spender well over 1000 hours on gmod on my other account 

but yeah i gonna keep on doing what i like and thats map making so you might see me in the futre but otherwise tnx for any tips

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Alright, I really got to respond to this



First of all

So let me tell you some things and give my opinion, I think the inner Foundation is good enough as it is, just some GOI's could need their seperate areas and the top of Oviscity (or whatever that is called) is really under detailed and it looks like someone just made a random town in russia (which is reasonable to hide a secret facility). But talking about mapping its so horribly made, I have basic mapping experience and if someone would just stick his time into a proper good looking map (the city) it would probably be raise the potential of Civil Roleplay (even though this server is fully SCP sided which is obvious), I totally agree about the city but I disagree with the Facility since if we make it bigger we will have even more issues managing all of the territories as we still have encounters of GOI's entering the Facility without noticing for some reason. You never mentioned the communities of your map possibly because they probably died out, possibly being related to your maps.

Now to your maps/mapping skills,
your maps are very simply build and created, I looked at both videos (which are technically the same with a few additions) and I haven't seen many then just one but judging by that exact one it is very poorly made as theres too much empty space and you said you'd focus on detail which you absolutely did not in that video as it is just a poor construction mixed with walls and maybe minimal amount of props. Also please don't talk about stairs on your video for about 15 seconds again, I have seen Map developers who really can't give a shit about how they made their stairs (to see the part where he mentioned the stairs go to 0:54 on the second video) as it is a normal thing to have in a map and it doesn't highlight anything new. I learned Hammer mapping in a few days and was able to make small cities as I am not a mapper myself and I will never declare myself as one since I can basically recreate what you've done in your video.

To an actual response, By the words of other people I agree that you should first of show us a map that can be trustworthy and not just declare yourself as a Mapper out of nowhere. And, keep in mind you are suggesting something and you aren't in any position to demand a mapper position before even releasing a proper map with DETAIL.


🔱Josh Nixon🔱
Director Nixon<

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On 12/3/2020 at 2:03 PM, Just Ben said:

Alright, I really got to respond to this



First of all

So let me tell you some things and give my opinion, I think the inner Foundation is good enough as it is, just some GOI's could need their seperate areas and the top of Oviscity (or whatever that is called) is really under detailed and it looks like someone just made a random town in russia (which is reasonable to hide a secret facility). But talking about mapping its so horribly made, I have basic mapping experience and if someone would just stick his time into a proper good looking map (the city) it would probably be raise the potential of Civil Roleplay (even though this server is fully SCP sided which is obvious), I totally agree about the city but I disagree with the Facility since if we make it bigger we will have even more issues managing all of the territories as we still have encounters of GOI's entering the Facility without noticing for some reason. You never mentioned the communities of your map possibly because they probably died out, possibly being related to your maps.

Now to your maps/mapping skills,
your maps are very simply build and created, I looked at both videos (which are technically the same with a few additions) and I haven't seen many then just one but judging by that exact one it is very poorly made as theres too much empty space and you said you'd focus on detail which you absolutely did not in that video as it is just a poor construction mixed with walls and maybe minimal amount of props. Also please don't talk about stairs on your video for about 15 seconds again, I have seen Map developers who really can't give a shit about how they made their stairs (to see the part where he mentioned the stairs go to 0:54 on the second video) as it is a normal thing to have in a map and it doesn't highlight anything new. I learned Hammer mapping in a few days and was able to make small cities as I am not a mapper myself and I will never declare myself as one since I can basically recreate what you've done in your video.

To an actual response, By the words of other people I agree that you should first of show us a map that can be trustworthy and not just declare yourself as a Mapper out of nowhere. And, keep in mind you are suggesting something and you aren't in any position to demand a mapper position before even releasing a proper map with DETAIL.

What is this like a 200 word essay? You are wasting your time on this guy? Go do something productive, I mean it as an advice lol. 

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