
More Assault Rifle Choices for NU7 Enlisted Men

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As the title says, i wanted to suggest more additions to the assault rifle category for NU7 Enlisted men, all you can use is either the AS Val and G36, Here are my reasons why.

1: There's only two assault rifles against more than three SMG Choices,

As NU7 Enlisted, you can either pick from. G36 or AS VAL. or the other vast choices such as. MP7. MP9. MP5, Kriss Vector. there are more choices for smgs than there are for assault rifles. Assault rifles are meant to be the bulk of every force. able to give out power whenever required and be reliable to the user.

2. It gets real boring after long-usage of AS VAL/G36

You know how other jobs like the MC&D, the CI. the Church get fantastic weaponry such as the AR15, or the ACR Whenever they please? those things never get old or boring from their iconic status and the power they give out, they effectively outclass both AS VAL and G36 with their wider choices of modifcations, G36 Can only remain as a Main battle rifle, and the AS Val can either be a Stealth rifle with a high fire rate. or the VSS Vintorez. an automatic sniper rifle which again, gets outclassed by the NU7 Scout unit.

3. More variety is better!

I Personally think there should be more variety to the assault rifle choices, ranging from AK's. like the AK47, AK74M. AK12. or the Bullpup assault rifles such as the Trevor 21. or the AUG. or even more American weaponry such as the M16 (M16. NOT AR15. THERE'S A LARGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BOTH.) The ACR Rifle. SCAR-H / SCAR-L 

Maybe even HK's? or SIG's? or maybe even the famous M4's?

Thanks for taking your time to read this.

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MTFs used to have almost every weapon on the server that fitted the class, assault had a ton of ARs/carbines, it was fun. You got to choose, xunt removed this as a "nerf" to the foundation, which did very little

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Ahahaha no. M4s or AKs or augs or ACRS and SCARs are too good and shouldn’t be available to enlisted. There’s 4 enlisted jobs and that means 4 people with ops guns. That Would make the balance of combat greatly uneven. The G36 is good, not sure about the val. Just use the G36 as it can counter most guns. 


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16 hours ago, Sethy said:

You know how other jobs like the MC&D, the CI. the Church get fantastic weaponry such as the AR15, or the ACR Whenever they please? those things never get old or boring from their iconic status and the power they give out, they effectively outclass both AS VAL and G36 with their wider choices of modifcations, G36 Can only remain as a Main battle rifle, and the AS Val can either be a Stealth rifle with a high fire rate. or the VSS Vintorez. an automatic sniper rifle which again, gets outclassed by the NU7 Scout unit.

Only MTF A-1 has the ACR at this point in time and you can also just use the SR3M conversion on the vss as thats the best conversion in my opinion.
PS xunt wont add any of the truly good weapons, since you already have the numbers advantage over everyone. Also the Scar-H does 27 damage and is nothing like its real life counter part or counter part in other games

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47 minutes ago, Jason Ray said:


Yes you should receive an AR or BR(battle rifle) but not something op like the AR-15, ACR and AUG, the M16 could be the right gun but some say its on par with the ACR, the Scar-L would probably fit the best in this situation.

Anything works for me really. aslong as we can finally give up either AS or G36 For a new gun

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