
Agent Kent warn request by Kyle Webb

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11 minutes ago, Lando Norris said:

You could have said "Oh I'm not hostile" and tried to sort it out peacefully, you then began to walk away so he shot you.


It's not like I started running away. Instead of killing me he could've cuffed me 



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- Third Person Abused in the video

- They can't know if you're hostile or not, despite what you say in OOC chat (Cause it's OOC chat...)

- Civilians shouldn't even be in the Foundation, Hostile or not.

- He was given orders and he followed them, and the orders were 100% valid. 


Edited by Johnwickisblak
Didn't notice the video, watched it and changed my -1



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Yeah, its ovbious RDM. There was no proof on kent killing the person. Didnt even weapon check. If he cuffed then it would of been good but him killing without allowing a RP response to the AOS/KOS then yeah. Also didnt ask for ID as they could of killed an FA with that

Edited by Luke Holding
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4 hours ago, Johnwickisblak said:


- Third Person Abused in the video

- They can't know if you're hostile or not, despite what you say in OOC chat (Cause it's OOC chat...)

- Civilians shouldn't even be in the Foundation, Hostile or not.

- He was given orders and he followed them, and the orders were 100% valid. 


- i always play on third person

- i did not pull out a gun at any moment nor tried to run away

- it is completely allowed to have a civilian disguise inside EZ

- the orders were invalid in the first place, I was never hostile to anybody and Agent Kent could've judged the situation himself, instead of shooting somebody who is literally not acting hostile in any way he could've instead cuffed me and this could've led to an interrogation RP as I was with the other civilian who ended up becoming hostile. But he decided to just shoot me which ruined RP.



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10 minutes ago, Kyle Webb said:

- i always play on third person

- i did not pull out a gun at any moment nor tried to run away

- it is completely allowed to have a civilian disguise inside EZ

- the orders were invalid in the first place, I was never hostile to anybody and Agent Kent could've judged the situation himself, instead of shooting somebody who is literally not acting hostile in any way he could've instead cuffed me and this could've led to an interrogation RP as I was with the other civilian who ended up becoming hostile. But he decided to just shoot me which ruined RP.

1. Doesn't mean you can third person abuse...

2. He warned  you.

3. Said no where. 

4. I can't say anything to that, as you provided a 30 second video, so I don't know if you were hostile.



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5 minutes ago, Johnwickisblak said:

1. Doesn't mean you can third person abuse...

2. He warned  you.

3. Said no where. 

4. I can't say anything to that, as you provided a 30 second video, so I don't know if you were hostile.

are you sure he warned me? i dont see him warning me in the video. Also you think I would be able to survive if I fired even one bullet to any of the MTF? and how is using third person relevant to what we are discussing? its also common knowledge that you can't hold suspicion on civs in EZ unless they act suspicious in ways which are noted in the server rules, otherwise it is metagaming. Like Luke Holding said above:

1 hour ago, Luke Holding said:

Also didnt ask for ID as they could of killed an FA with that

There could've been a FA wearing a civilian disguise in EZ. He is not obligated to take off his disguise.

Lastly, if you check the screenshot of the chat I provided, even Nell hadn't seen me act hostile and he gave the order based on another civs actions, so how does that make the order valid? that is no different than seeing a disguised researcher kill someone and ordering for all researchers to be AOS/KOS. Does that really make any sense to you in any way?



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6 minutes ago, Kyle Webb said:

There could've been a FA wearing a civilian disguise in EZ. He is not obligated to take off his disguise.

An fa would have and should have said he was an fa if an fa didn't it's their own fault considering there was an aos/kos order

Although he should have attempted detainment, you walked away saying nothing which CAN be considered suspicious 

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7 minutes ago, Hannibal Lectuce said:

I don't know about the FA example but Kyle literally walked two meters in a span of 1 or 2 seconds, and he had no where to go. This dude's last resort was literally termination and he used it first.

That's why I said suspicious, cause it's not enough for termination

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8 minutes ago, Jason Ray said:

That's why I said suspicious, cause it's not enough for termination

thanks for agreeing that its not enough for termination, but does that change your -1 to a +1? 



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Site was currently being attacked as seen in the video, a KoS/AoS order is given out on all civilians (Which you saw) and you decided to run away from the MTF Unit pointing a gun at you. Really don't know what you thought was going to happen. You will also be recieving a warn for Third Person abuse, as you are clearly shown using third person to peek around a corner.


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