
Un-Warn Request

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Your name in-game: Rick Lee

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:240356511

Admins' name that warned you: Lorex Krato

Admin's steamID: STEAM_1:0:67543918

Why did you get warned?: Got warned for "FailRP (Hoarding comms as ISD and killing Foundation personnel)"

Evidence(Un-necessary): N/A

Why do you deserve to be un-warned?: 

Gonna say this now went to surface for some Nu-7 operation, just stayed near subway entrance.

So funny 457 was on surface, nu-7 sent to amnestise civs and cops that see the SCP, some FA was disguised as a cop so went, tased and cuffed, was about to amnestics when a Delta cuffed me and took my comms, he released me so I cuffed him back to get the comms back since I had CI comms.

Cop and Delta (who was disguised as Nu-7) started chasing me, cop was trying to get comms back by trying to cuff me, told him to fuck off multiple times, then I see the Delta change disguises to FA, so I cuff him, take him inside and facescan, finished facescanning, FA was still trying to cuff me then I shot him.

Cop was an apparent confirmed FA (said he was a cop on foundation comms but I didn't see him) because he had an anomaly detector, told him to remove disguise but he didn't so I kept backing off, then the whole situation of killing him happened.

(For Lorex after you and I checked I didn't Facescan the FA as I thought I did before.)
(As this was a 2v1 situation Lorex took the side of the FA and Delta)

Anything else?: Unfortunately, don't got any recordings of said incident.  

Edited by Qas - Rick Lee
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May i add that, you told me lies in the sit

And that the people accusing you told me their side of the story that matched with loggs, yours did not.


And, when faced with valid points about you violating many of your guidelines,  you then asked one of the accusers for his playtime. Like you would claim seniority over the whole situation. 


I'm not gonna read what you wrote here, as you lied to me in the sit. You sent your manager a false story to keep your WL, so I higly doubt you bothered to tell the truth here. 


And yes, I took the side of the Delta and Agent because firstly, they are the victims.  So I have to see it from their view,  and as I said. Their story were the only story backed up by the logs.

And, you released the FA yourself after cuffing him, without applying amnestics. Which the logs show.

Please don't lie, to staff, to ISD managers, and to the community 


Edited by Lorex Krato
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9 hours ago, Lorex Krato said:

you then asked one of the accusers for his playtime. Like you would claim seniority over the whole situation. 

Because running up to someone and attempting to cuff them to get your comms back isn't a good idea, which lead to them getting shot, therefore that question getting asked.


9 hours ago, Lorex Krato said:

I'm not gonna read what you wrote here, as you lied to me in the sit. You sent your manager a false story to keep your WL, so I higly doubt you bothered to tell the truth here. 

Same story I told in the sit but ok do and believe as you wish.


9 hours ago, Lorex Krato said:

And, you released the FA yourself after cuffing him, without applying amnestics. Which the logs show

That which I would like to see the logs of, if it won't trouble you as I don't think I ever went to said person and released them.

I may have sure but I still would like to see the logs.


10 hours ago, Lorex Krato said:

when faced with valid points about you violating many of your guidelines

1- I don't have to and can't Facescan a random cop claiming to be Foundation while he's running at me with cuffs.

2- Having comms of other departments isn't a crime, would've returned the comms back if said FA removed disguise and showed ID, but he didn't instead he decided to stay in disguise and run at me with Cuffs.

3- Shooting someone because they were attempting to cuff is an actual valid reason to kill them.

 4- I already got warned for going to surface, which I can completely take without any problems or arguments.

5- Even if the FA said on comms he was a confirmed FA I still wouldn't know as I didn't witness him say it in comms, as there could've been other cops around the area.

Which he also hasn't verified if there was any other cops with him or near him.


(5.11.1) You cannot use radio comms as a means of knowing someone's voice. If somebody says something on a radio and then later speaks around you, you cannot know that their voice was used on the radio. 

(5.11.2) You can however know that someone has spoken on comms if you witness them do so (E.G: You strip comms off of a confirmed CI member and then directly see somebody speak on the CI comms). This is only relevant if you directly witness someone speak on a radio and rule (5.11.1) still applies to knowing someone's voice.

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You also stated that the Delta cuffed you while you were trying to give the FA amnestics 

But, how did the FA get free from cuffs to then try to cuff you? 

Well, you freed him. But, you didn't give him amnestics,  which was the reason for cuffing him I believe you said.

So, why free a person not bothering to give him amnestics, even though this was the reason for detaining him?

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32 minutes ago, Lorex Krato said:

Well, you freed him.

As I stated before I'd like to see the logs of that because no way I remember I released him, not that I can do that while in the Delta's cuffs either. So pretty please if you could get those for me?

32 minutes ago, Lorex Krato said:

But, how did the FA get free from cuffs to then try to cuff you? 

As I stated above I'd like to see logs of who released him, for now I'm gonna assume the Delta released both me and the FA until I see the logs, before any comms were going to be given to the FA I cuffed the Delta back and stripped his comms and ran off to other Nu-7 units in case they started shooting.

32 minutes ago, Lorex Krato said:

So, why free a person not bothering to give him amnestics, even though this was the reason for detaining him?

I changed my attention from the FA because I got confused on why the Delta cuffed me in the first place. So I just cuffed the Delta back, stripped his comms and ran off to a more populated area.




Edited by Qas - Rick Lee
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