Rusty - Ketero

Philips Keters MC&D A P P

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Common Roleplay Name: Philips Keter

Steam Name: Rusty

Discord Name: Rusty_Ze_Farmer#7730

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:211188625

Your Current Warns (15 warn limit, take a screenshot): 0 Warns image.thumb.png.886775f77cc87f28fa44085b770ef4b5.png

Your Current Playtime: 7 weeks 4 days


Why do you want to join MC&D?: Well you see i’m a man of business and money myself, MC&D controls all kinds of markets all around the world, but what do they not control in Ovis city? The Dupe Market! And it just so happens that I own and control The Dupe Market in Ovis city. Another reason why I would like to join Marshal Carter & Dark Ltd. Isn’t cause I just want to sit in the Club, act like a vendor, talking on Surface comms every once in a while with a witty joke(Cause im rich enough already 😎 ). I’d like to play Marshal Carter & Dark like an actual mafia controling the entire city, making auctions for anomalies, selling guns to those who pay, bribing the government when they are on and erasing those who work against us and our capitalist money making fortune business. Aswell I’d like to make us feared by making us organized and trying to get agents and bouncers to use Teamspeak if we even have a private one. The last reason is im a capitalist and would like to have my name of capitalism spread even more.

How often do you play Bouncer/Agent: Not often at the moment but I may play some more of it uppon the app being posted when other salesmen are on the job.

Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer): Yes indeed I have familiarized myself with the Code of Condouct and Permissions in the Marshal Carter & Dark job suggestion thread as I do not wish to be booted from the group the moment I start playing and get  Atlas flashbacks about not reading the rules.

Edited by Rusty
Attempted to add warns screenshot and fixed playtime amount

Bing bong blan bind bin bo go bi b 




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Keter is a really trusted person from my side of view and seems doing well being the HoMD group manager he already gets money stuffed up his ass for his dupes so I wouldn't be surprised if MC&D wouldn't want him. Also, I don't think I need to write a book about why hes a good potential.


🔱Josh Nixon🔱
Director Nixon<

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MCnD Management has decided to accept your application. Well done.

Great Application

Amazing Community Feedback


You may ask for the whitelist in game and the role in the discord.







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