Micheal Tackinlose - Site Director Application

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In Game Name: Micheal Tackinlose


Age: 17

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: I've been trying out Site Advisior recently and enjoyed it, other high ranks in this community has been 501st Colonel and in other communities Navy Officer ( Commordore - EXO) and also 501st Commander + Scouts Exo

Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: I feel like I could be a good site director because, I am quite a RP friendly person and also like to follow the server rules but also the in-charcater rules set in, i like to issue orders that i know will be the way forward and better for everyone in the end. When it comes to leadership IRL and in here, i believe that i have the ability to lead and handly the situation really well. When it comes to working under pressure or having a time issue, i can keep my cool and work my way forward methodically and efficently.

What role does the Site Director have on the site? When a Site Director is on site, they are the highest ranking on the base, they should only and I mean ONLY be reporting to O-5, They have the final decision on all Internal Affair matters for all tasks. Only O-5 members may overrule this.They ensure everything is running upto high expections everyday. When it is time, they hand daily reports to O-5 about how the SCP-Facility was during there time on-site for there views and evaluations. They are then giving tasks to the head of the departments to sort out while approving and denying request that are shown to them.

What is the O5 Council?:

The O-5 Council or basically the overseers of the foundation. they are the highest of the high within the foundation, they have complete control on everything the foundation do which also includes operations that are held, they are not known at all except with the alias from numbers 1-13, its that unknown you could be speaking to one without knowledge of you doing so.All O-5 members are meant and basically know everything about whats going on, all o-5 council members are leaders of there specializded department but still over everyone. They command all operations going on over large scale areas instead to a small managed area.

Edited by Bansheey






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- I've never seen you before (That or I didn't notice you)

- You appear to be still somewhat new to SCP lore and what the Site Director does in general.

- Some sections, are a bit weirdly written, and plenty of typos (I'm assuming that this is because English isn't your first language.) 

- Some sections also have little bits of false information here and there.

- You do have a great amount of past experience, in leadership, and can be trustworthy. 


Edited by Johnwickisblak



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4 minutes ago, Johnwickisblak said:


- I've never seen you before (That or I didn't notice you)

- You appear to be still somewhat new to SCP lore and what the Site Director does in general.

- Some sections, are a bit weirdly written, and plenty of typos (I'm assuming that this is because English isn't your first language.) 

- Some sections also have little bits of false information here and there.

- You do have a great amount of past experience, in leadership, and can be trustworthy. 


I wouldn't reply to these often.i would like to thank you for your feedback. 

I've been apart of the community for some time but I unfortunately left due to personal reasons. After I came back I made my presence less known so that is why you wouldn't of noticed me. 

The reason there is typos is because I'm dyslexic so I spell shit wrong from time to time. The false information is just me being a fanny







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Sorry. Holiday season and all.

You application for site director has been ACCEPTED

Overall decent enough application and also well supported by some of the community. Would have preferred more SCP RP leadership role experience but eh.

O5-5 "The Survivor"

(Contact me Fixer#5863)

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