Ewan Bartmann - HoMD Application

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In Game Name: Ewan Bartmann

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:427293255

Crafting Table experience level: 125

What job does the Manufacturing Department have on site?:

The manufacturing department when they are on site are to supply the foundation personal (MTF and Guards), with ammunition, weapon attachments/weapon classes also including other equipment. This is a important department due to if it didn't exist , ammo within the facility wouldn't be able to give personal the weapons they need and be starved of equipment and ammunition.

Why do you think you'll be a good fit for the Head of Manufacturing?:

I believe that I would be a good member and perfect fit for Head of Manufacturing because I am becoming extremely active on the server, when i was on the normal Manufacturing whitelist, i was consistently advertising and giving ammo to members of the facility without attempting to scam them or overcharge. I am not a biased member and never denied someone for stupid reasons and consistently tried to keep RP thriving.

Thanks for Reading

The Real Banshee ❤️







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44 minutes ago, John Synergy said:

This is an HoMD application.
Yeah I'll +1 this, Banshee is pretty good at stuff and comes from another W-G server as an experienced person, I support it.

Did i really say MCND not Manufacturing? Omfg im an idiot, thanks john for pointing it out


So im gonna update my opinion. Sure, ive seen ya as manufacturing, didnt really have any interactions with you, as in, talking apart from taking ammo or stuff of that sort. So its gonna be a NEUTRAL


I simply misread HOMD for MCND, so, my apologies.

Edited by Makarov
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