John Synergy

SynergyJohn's MC&D Salesman Application

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Common Roleplay Name: John Synergy

Steam Name: SynergyJohn

Discord Name: SynergyJohn#7592

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:213581846

Your Current Warns (15 warn limit, take a screenshot): 1 for ARDMimage.thumb.png.46e46a14be37cec135c31dba66b6847f.png

Your Current Playtime: 2w 5d 19h

Why do you want to join MC&D?:
I wish to join MC&D for my love of the company, its assets, and its motivations. With such a potential powerhouse in Ovis City, having a Salesman, Agent and Bouncers commonly in Ovis asserts a precedent that we are vital to the function of the city, and the city topples should we not be there. Even if a total insert cannot be achieved, having mutual proxies in Ovis against potential hostiles is another aspiration of mine, the feeling of being untouchable. While this is all well and good, I wholly respect the guidelines set forth by the founders of Marshall, Carter and Dark and promise that I shall not falter in my duties and will set a good name for the company, even if it should be in secret.

How often do you play Bouncer/Agent:
I've been playing it quite often recently, due to the increased activity of other salesmen it has both become more fun and more rewarding to protect the salesman and assist him in his duties, be it through procuring anomalies or only defense.

Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer):
Yes I have, I understand the Code of Conduct to the end and understand the standard it sets for salesmen and their employees. We must, as I iterated in a previous point, ensure only the best quality for the salesman and by extent, for the company. I have viewed the job rules and understand the limitations on where weapons can be sold and when MC&D can raid. I fully understand all of these rules and limitations.

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- Hot man.

-Well known in community.

-Very Active, seen you play Bouncer/Agent.

+1                                                                                                                 lando is gay

Edited by Kinqu
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MCnD Management has decided to accept your application. Well done.

Great Application

Amazing Community Feedback


You may ask for the whitelist in game and the role in the discord.







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