General Grievous

Jerry Ford unban request

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Server you got banned from: Werewolf gaming SCP:RP 

Your name in-game: Welp before I was banned, I was known as Jerry Ford.

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:183131921

Admins' name that banned you: I can not remember who I've gotten banned from, since it is about 1 year and 3 months ago. 

Admin's steamID: I am sorry, but until further notice, I do not know how to answeer this question, since I have no knowledge of it.

Why did you get banned?: I remember that once a long time ago (1 year and 9 months ago) I was banned indefinantly for someone minging. I though they were having fun, and threw around with props. So I joined them, and after a short bit I thought they were okay with me participating in the fun. So we kept throwing around props, and whilst I tried to not hit the other people who did not wish to join, the other two did. After some time, they got a friend from the administration team to log on. Then they got me banned for propsurfing and what not. After some time, I randomly got unbanned again. Then I began to play again, but at first, I immediately told staff of the situation. They said, that if I should do something bad, it could end up with me getting the permanent ban. After some time, I might had gottem a little toxic and began to not follow the rules. Of course I then got what was coming, and I felt it was all fair.

Evidence(Un-necessary): I sadly do not have any evidance, other than a picture of my ban on gmod.



Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Because I used my every day, to come on the server and relax. It is my favourite server, and I just enjoy it. After the time that I have been banned, I feel like I have grown up and have become more mature. And if it should so happen that I get unbanned, then I will keep myself updated on the rules, and try to not do anything against them.

Anything else?: Not really, other than if someone could tell me who might have banned me, so that I can replace it immediately. There is another account of me aswell which I have forgotten my password to, so I am using this as the new Jerry Ford.

Edited by General Grievous
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First you say its 1 year 3 months, then 1 year 9 months. I dunno, its kind of suspicious to me, but i cannot say that youre lying, as the ban was ages ago now.

As for the alt account thing, you shouldnt have used an alt. But im going to give this a benefit of a doubt.



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24 minutes ago, Makarov said:

First you say its 1 year 3 months, then 1 year 9 months. I dunno, its kind of suspicious to me, but i cannot say that youre lying, as the ban was ages ago now.

As for the alt account thing, you shouldnt have used an alt. But im going to give this a benefit of a doubt.



I understand your doubt. What I meant with what I said, is that when the 2 people were minging and I wished to participate, then they got an admin friend to come and ban me permanently. Then I had waited 6 months, and then I for some reason got unbanned. Then I played along with it (Ofc telling an admin about it at first of what happened.

And about the alt account thingy. This is only a alternative account on the forum. I would not attempt to use alt accounts on the actual server. Reason for the alternative, is for that I have lost my old account on the forums.

Thank you for your questions. If you have more, I will be more than happy to reply 🙂

Edited by General Grievous
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Just now, General Grievous said:

I understand your doubt. What I have meant what I said, is that when the 2 were minging, then they got an admin friend to come and ban me permanently. Then I had waited 6 months, and then I for some reason got unbanned. Then I played along with it (Ofc telling an admin about it at first of what happened.

And about the alt account thingy. This is only a alternative account on the forum. I would not attempt to use alt accounts on the actual server. Reason for the alternative, is for that I have lost my old account on the forums.

Thank you for your questions. If you have more, I will be more than happy to reply 🙂

Ah yeah. I think i did the same once because apparently i had to make a whole new account, because of going on different forums that also work on enjin. I dont blame ya to be fair.


Im still going to wait for the banning admin to reply (if hes still staff that is)

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3 minutes ago, Makarov said:

Ah yeah. I think i did the same once because apparently i had to make a whole new account, because of going on different forums that also work on enjin. I dont blame ya to be fair.


Im still going to wait for the banning admin to reply (if hes still staff that is)

Thanks for your understanding. I am happy that someone like you, are early to reply. Merry christmas, and a very happy New Year to you 🙂
(And to the rest of the readers too 👍)

Edited by General Grievous
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The SteamID you have given was recently banned this May for attempting to bypass your ban that was from August of last year. So you've technically been double permanently banned 😕

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16 hours ago, Dimmy said:

The SteamID you have given was recently banned this May for attempting to bypass your ban that was from August of last year. So you've technically been double permanently banned 😕

I don't think I understood correctly what you meant. Did you mean that I attempted to make an alt account and join the sevrer? Because if that would be the deal, then my littlebrother tried to come on the server. He is as big of a fan of the SCP genre like me. And I have been banned 2 times for the period of permanent, but the first time, someone unbanned me for some reason, and of course I then told the staff that it happened. It was my decision to get permanent banned my second time, since of the random unban.

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