
KingMyth's Unban request

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Server you got banned from:  SCP

Your name in-game: Not sure got banned a long time ago

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105071713

Admins' name that banned you: Not sure

Admin's steamID: Not sure

Why did you get banned?: I basically liked the job Onmi something and I lied to the staff member about being accepted which I am really sorry about.

Evidence(Un-necessary): No Evidence

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: So bascially I think I should be unbanned because I played on the server whenever I got a chance I bought the best rank on there and I'd hate to see it go to waste, I basically played none stop really, I love that server it cures my Boredom and lets me try out a different type of gamemode in the game I love. (Garry's Mod)

Anything else?: Yes, to the Admin that I basically "Used" I am incredibly sorry for making you look like an idiot, I hope you can forgive me, it's Christmas Eve and I want to come back and chance my ways it's been a year so I hope I can come back now and show you to I am serious about playing on this server.

Also last time I made one I was rude to the guys saying "Yes" and "No" and to be honest I don't blame them since I did a completely horrible act in order to get what I want and I'm deeply sorry.

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Ban reason is "Forging evidence smh" and you were banned by the previous Vice Manager of the server (smh) in July of this year.

This seems to line up with your story about lying to the staff member. To be honest, I don't think you should've been banned permanently as I usually give a 1 week ban for lying to staff.

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3 hours ago, KingMyth1947 said:

Do you have the Permission to say Yes or No or do I need to wait for someone that has access?

I'm unsure on the system that you guys use.


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10 hours ago, Dimmy said:

Ban reason is "Forging evidence smh" and you were banned by the previous Vice Manager of the server (smh) in July of this year.

This seems to line up with your story about lying to the staff member. To be honest, I don't think you should've been banned permanently as I usually give a 1 week ban for lying to staff.

I actually remember this situation. He had forged evidence of Joshy accepting him into Oneiroi and showed it to (Warren?) leading to him being forced job onto it, unluckily for him I believe Joshy was on the server and saw this which led to giving him a perm ban. 

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Ok , it's one thing to say "hey i got accepted in oneroi can you give me the WL" , it's another thing to straight up fake a screenshot to make it look like you were accepted.

Depending on which one it is the ban should be reduced to a few more months if it's the first case or just keep it perma if it's the second.


What were you thinking ? That no one would notice you were in a WL group without being accepted by managment?

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Warren isn't in the team anymore, however this is what happened:

Warren calls me over to his sit with this guy, says "Forcejob him to Oneroi, he was accepted" so, I forcejob him.

however, after I still went to the WL Applications on the Forum to check for myself, and saw that he did not get accepted, nor did he even apply for it so he gets demoted back to D Class.

He proceeds to make countless of sits being annoyed he was demoted from it, so I say "You didn't get accepted" and he says "Joshy accepted me I asked him on discord if I could be in it and he said yes" so I ask him for screenshots which he never sent, I asked Joshy and joshy banned him.


im max

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