
i got banned but i needed to go somewhere

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My In-Game name: Toecollector

STEAMID: ( dingleberg10 

Steam Name: toecollector 

What is the reason for your ban: i got banned for leaving when i was arrested

How long were you banned for: 2 days 

Name of the staff member who banned you: it doesn't say who banned me

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: i believe that i should get unbanned because i needed to go somewhere for an emergency and i couldn't stay on the server


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My In-Game name: toecollector


Steam Name: dingleberg10

What is the reason for your ban: i got banned because i left when i was arrested 

How long were you banned for: 2 days 

Name of the staff member who banned you: i don't know who banned me

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: i beleive that i should be unbanned because i needed to go somewhere and it was an emergency please unban me 


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Its a 2day ban before you get accepted the ban will most likely be over

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By the time this app is responded to you will already be unbanned since its 3 days as it can take a few days to respond to them (as in SMT). 

So firstly on the day you had already been arrested for attempting to release a prisoner. You were also arrested to CL5 which was the reason as to why you were in brig in the first place. With this then going into a brig and the electricity going out is a little too convenient for my liking however is a possibility of course hence the neutral.

Furthermore just so you are aware due to the actions of breaking CL5 and then being banned myself and the rest of the 74th hierarchy has seen it fit to remove you from 74th so when you are unbanned you will be back to CT  [4 numbers] [name]. 



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