Flo Hush

my MC&D salesman application

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I just want to preface this by saying that english isn't my first language and that even though I'm using google translate for some words, there might be some grammatical/spelling errors or some weird sentences.


Common Roleplay Name:

Flo Hush


Steam Name:

Λ Yung Gravy Λ


Discord Name:






Your Current Warns (15 warn limit, take a screenshot): 



I have 10 warns altogether, with the most recent one being from last year (haha very funny I know), around 5 months ago and the oldest one from around 2 years ago.


Your Current Playtime:

Right now I have a playtime of 3 weeks, 2 days and 21 hours, of which, if I had to guess, 15% where me being afk.


Why do you want to join MC&D?:

I really enjoy MC&D. I like the whole "unasuming club that in reallity is selling extremely dangerous anomalous things and is also involved in arms deals" vibe that MC&D gives off. It's something different from the normal site rp, wich I don't enjoy that much. Normally I play CI and even had the delta whitelist before. I just like the interactions between GOIs and the foundation and prefer that type of rp to for example being a researcher. I already had the salesman whitelist twice before, but since the whitelist kept getting wiped I didn't really keep up with getting it again (until now lol).


How often do you play Bouncer/Agent:

I used to play MC&D jobs very frequently (like 10 hours a week), but recently I wasn't very active on gmod and only played like every other week. I started playing gmod again in december and I'd say my activity was meh. However, I am starting to get back into gmod and since I have "christmas holydays?" (basically 2 weeks no school) I have alot of free time.


Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer):

I have read all the rules for MC&D and understand them. I am also very familiar with the "general server rules" and am not going to break them. I understand that you have to play as a team and how important it is to respect each other and to not cause unnecessary drama.

Edited by Flo Hush
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On 1/1/2021 at 2:57 PM, Lando Lovelace said:


bad experiences involving MC&D with you

Please tell me which bad experiences you had with me. I don't think I even know who you are. we have ever met (sounded mean before lol).

Edited by Flo Hush
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I wont comment on the grammar or anything since english isnt first language


other than that the App really isn't bad

Wish I would see you on recently but i think i remember seeing you a lot last year on MCND. Like a l o t. Unless its a different guy.


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5 hours ago, Zack Micheal Smith said:

Never seen you on MC&D
Seen you minge on other jobs

I don't understand where the whole minge stuff is coming from. Maybe because I had ORIA wl and that was a complete shitshow. I mainly play CI and MC&D now, but I used to play sarkic and b1/november8 and I'd like to say that I did some good rp.

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26 minutes ago, Crusty said:

-1 who tf are u bro? some kinda russian mafia member

Flo Hush 🙂


EDIT: Bro you have 5 days playtime, come on -_-

Edited by Flo Hush
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Ok it's kinda annoying to write this, since I said this in my app, but I stopped playing gmod last year around march/april and only started playing on wg again, I'd say late-ish december. This is why all the people that started playing on wg after I stopped, have obviously never seen me play MC&D. There are some people that (I hope) remember me being fairly active on MC&D and other jobs that I had a wl for (mainly Lorex for MC&D and Anton for sarkic, but I don't think he plays anymore). Right now I'm trying to get back into scp-rp and have been playing alot of MC&D (like 30 hours in the last week). Sadly the "engagement?" on the forums isn't that great, so people that I was playing MC&D with/saw me don't comment. So yeah I hope that if other people comment, they can consider this.

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As much as I would like to already accept this, the salesman that have been accepted are giving bad feedback towards you. Seemingly others have different opinons, you will have a 4 day period to show to me and the other salesman that you are ready for this position.

This includes being active within the game and the teamspeak and showing your potential.

Edited by Bansheey






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Since being put on trial, you have shown to me that you are ready to be a Salesman, well done


You may ask for the whitelist in game and the role in the discord.







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