
Seth's HOMD App

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In Game Name: Sethy

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:164211367

Crafting Table experience level: 125

What job does the Manufacturing Department have on site?: The Manufacturing Department is responsible for the production and subsequent armament of Armed units with ammunition and other useful equipment, such as gas masks for Gas attacks and specialized ammo types to improve certain weaponry, such as Shotguns and rifles. Due to the importance of the manufacturing department, No personnel belonging to the department are to exit the site at any time, regardless of location or situation, as any captured Manufacturing personnel may benefit hostile GOI's with equipment belonging to the foundation

Why do you think you'll be a good fit for the Head of Manufacturing?: I'm a friendly person always willing to help and give out to others, especially when i am manufacturing. I Produce equipment and ammo to armed units for free of charge when they need it without asking for anything in return, Thus if any armed unit needs something from me. and they cant afford it, no problem. they'll get it nonetheless. Also, i take security very seriously. so if i were to sell something serious/critical, i'll go through the measures in place to make sure i dont sell equipment to a hostile GOI So they can use it against my own colleagues

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38 minutes ago, Larry Wanger said:


-he's known in the community

-has swag


you more swag



47 minutes ago, Bansheey said:



Idiot Head


my feelings are hurt

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