
October SD Application

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In Game Name: October Black

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:119161861

Age: 19

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: Ex-O5, HoEA, HR

Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: I have extended experience in many fields of administration. Although I must admit, my time as an O5 was not something I would ever praise, I have spent much time since that learning leadership and how to properly administrate. I know what to steer away from (micromanagement, unreasonable demands, idiotic plans) and what to steer towards (coordination of groups, ultimate decision making, and generally being calm and receptive. I feel that I have all of these traits, and that I would be a great candidate for these reasons.

What role does the Site Director have on the site? The Site Director's role is to direct and coordinate all groups in the foundation, as well as ensure everything is running properly, and that the entire site is secure and protected. A Site Director should engage with leaders of each group (Commanders, heads of security, advisors, etc) to ensure that their group is running properly and is doing their proper job. The Site Director should not go into danger, or micromanage, instead they should ensure that proper orders and coordination is given out and going on.

What is the O5 Council?: The O5 council is the group of overseers that have absolute control over the entire foundation, the ability to direct anybody, anywhere. They are in charge of everything that goes on, from the smallest to the largest tasks. The O5 council is an incredibly secretive and closed organization.

Edited by bombom
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I’m going to be completely honest from experience I’ve had with you.


This app is good and whatever 

but as playing CI one night having be able to sneak into foundation, I noticed you especially were metagaming me. Metagaming by having your gun out everytkme I was near you and you pointing it at me also following me.

Following server rules is essential to be a SD so you don’t accidentally send a whole unit to break rules.

also you did just recently join . I recommend getting used to how everything is run now compared to when you were your high role







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4 hours ago, Bansheey said:

I’m going to be completely honest from experience I’ve had with you.


This app is good and whatever 

but as playing CI one night having be able to sneak into foundation, I noticed you especially were metagaming me. Metagaming by having your gun out everytkme I was near you and you pointing it at me also following me.

Following server rules is essential to be a SD so you don’t accidentally send a whole unit to break rules.

also you did just recently join . I recommend getting used to how everything is run now compared to when you were your high role

Sorry that you felt I was metagaming you, however I always have and had my gun out on safety or pointed whenever I play as Nu7 or other security jobs regardless of who I'm near. I did not break any server rules and if you think or thought that I did, you should have reported me or told me to stop. If I followed you or pointed it at you, it's because you were being suspicious or because I had a reason to, I don't waste my time trying to figure out every CI infiltrator via slight discrepancies in the tab or whatever menus, I actually play the game, which unfortunately you didn't see and instead interpreted as me metagaming your identity.

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Epic guy

never had a bad interaction with you

Ex O5

also shut up banshee 

On 1/6/2021 at 2:43 AM, Bansheey said:

, I noticed you especially were metagaming me. Metagaming by having your gun out everytkme I was near you and you pointing it at me

This is not metagame, Having it on safety doesn't mean anything? 

On 1/6/2021 at 6:50 AM, bombom said:

I always have and had my gun out on safety or pointed whenever I play as Nu7 

also this is true 

Edited by Lando Lovelace

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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22 minutes ago, Lando Lovelace said:


Epic guy

never had a bas interaction with you

Ex O5

also shut up banshee 

This is not metagame, Having it on safety doesn't mean anything? 

also this is true 

He didn’t have it on safety, he had it pointed , so don’t get on your high horse for no apparent reason I’m giving my feedback as you are.

if you have legitimate reason to be upset at me and want to discuss dm me don’t use the forums to find a way to nag. He took it off safety every time I passed







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2 hours ago, Bansheey said:

He didn’t have it on safety, he had it pointed , so don’t get on your high horse for no apparent reason I’m giving my feedback as you are.

if you have legitimate reason to be upset at me and want to discuss dm me don’t use the forums to find a way to nag. He took it off safety every time I passed

Perhaps I had reason to believe you were a CI infiltator, then.

If you fell from your high horse to the ground you'd die instantly from the fall. Please don't accuse me of violating the rules when it's quite clear you have no evidence and you assume that I metagame you.

Nobody here has accused you of anything. I just stated that you were wrong.

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Your application for site director has been ACCEPTED

I am still not too sure about this decision so if you mess up I won't hesitate to alter my decision. Your application is alright except the O5 council section could have used more details.

O5-5 "The Survivor"

(Contact me Fixer#5863)


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