
Unban Req.

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Server you got banned from: SCP

Your name in-game: Ruukasu Hawk

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:12603210

Admins' name that banned you: Can't remember

Admin's steamID: dont know

Why did you get banned?: Killing my friend


Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Friend already explained that this was asked of, and we were just joking around together, and I believe that I should be unbanned now that the problem has been resolved.

Anything else?:

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Permanent I believe 😕


If you check my logs and ask the person that banned me if he talked with my friend you'll prolly get a better understanding of the situation

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Imma wait for a mod to come and clear up the ban (and previous warns) , cause RDM ban for killing a friend that consented to it is pretty rare , did you do it in front of other people ? did you explain this to the mods? was it just one kill or did you kill him multiple times? 

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I did try to explain while I was in my cell but it wasn't doing much, so I was counting down my punishment in the cell, where the timer finished and I was then banned.

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(Also, I knew about the ability to apply like this after my friend had explained and was then told for me to submit a report.)


We were in a call at the time

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As muarice has said and me being a eye witness there i can 100% back the ban as being valid. You decided to use a OOC Deathmatch as a excuse for your mingery and breaking charcater which can go under FailRP aswell. I don't beleive you are ready for a unban due to it being so recent, wait a few months then apply. I don't beleieve your trusted enough to be unbanned.







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I understand this however I would like to know what the situation is exactly due to the moderator that banned me telling my friend I can be unbanned after applying, unless they didn't and the communication between is poor

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8 hours ago, Ruuksu said:

I understand this however I would like to know what the situation is exactly due to the moderator that banned me telling my friend I can be unbanned after applying, unless they didn't and the communication between is poor

actually i think "Deathmatching" or "1v1'ing" is allowed on small occasions and if both party's agree (also not with 60 players on so idk)

please correct me if im wrong lol

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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31 minutes ago, Lando Lovelace said:

actually i think "Deathmatching" or "1v1'ing" is allowed on small occasions and if both party's agree (also not with 60 players on so idk)

please correct me if im wrong lol

There’s no such thing as downtime and if so there were still upto 80 players on the server as of the time of the ban







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3 hours ago, Lando Lovelace said:

actually i think "Deathmatching" or "1v1'ing" is allowed on small occasions and if both party's agree (also not with 60 players on so idk)

please correct me if im wrong lol

It's not really allowed per se , but if i agree to it I won't report it to staff and no one will get banned.

Also there are situations were an admin may close an eye or two if the rdm didn't really affect anyone and both parties agreed to it.

That said you don't pull this this shit in a crowded area , or in front of people that are in RP instead of a OOC situations.

For legal purposes this is all an hypotesis and I have never RDM'd somebody that agreed to it. Kappa

Edited by Fayne™
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14 hours ago, Ruuksu said:

moderator that banned me telling my friend I can be unbanned after applying

To clear up, I told your mate that I don't make the decision to unban, its the server management team that do and the way that you apply for unban is on the forums.

On 1/6/2021 at 7:29 AM, Ruuksu said:

joking around together

That's unusual since all the log screenshots that I took showed you instigated all the combat in the security spawn and he didn't do a single bit of damage against you or anyone else. That's weird as you called it OOC death matching and I would assume he would shoot back if this was the case and not just stand there.

If this was a one-off I wouldn't have banned you; it would've just been a warn but you killed your friend 7 times, not including other occasions where you didn't finish off the kill (this took up 3 pages of combat logs - so its a lot) and others arrested/killed you for attacking other security.

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