Drake Watcher

MC&D Application, again.

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Common Roleplay Name 

Drake Watcher

Steam Name:

funny femur breaker

Discord Name:

funny femur breaker#2370



Your Current Warns 


Your Current Playtime:


Why do you want to join MC&D? 

I want to join MC&D mainly because I want to sell drugs, guns, anomalies, and other things to people who need them.

I want to join MC&D because its one of the best jobs in the server.

I want to join because I need money. I'm kinda poor.

I want to join because MC&D is the best GOI in my opinion.

 I want to have new RP situations since I don't play Surface jobs much often. All of them are kinda unenjoyable except MC&D.

I want to join because I want to run the club and expand the business with my Agents and Bouncers.

I'm competent and I believe I'll be able to give good RP experiences to other players.

How often do you play Bouncer/Agent:

I hop on MC&D Agent whenever there is a Salesman on and I'm not in an RP situation. I've been playing MC&D Agent a lot recently, and I enjoy it.

Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?

Yes, I've read the server rules, I know what is a rulebreak and what is not.  Also, I've read the Code of Conduct and Permissions, I know what I can/can't do.  

Any feedback is welcome, of course. Please leave your feedback so I can improve myself in my next application if I get denied again.




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