
Nikita's Site Director Whitelist Application

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In Game Name: Nikita Khrusjtsjov

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28277999

Age: 16

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: I do not indeed for now atleast have experience with it but i played SD before it became Whitelist required

Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: Because i somewhat have past experience as an Site Director In being a Site Director i know how to act when being a Site Director i also know what powers i have and who i can and cannot command over I know what task my task is as the Site Director

What role does the Site Director have on the site? The Site Director is pretty much the boss of the site. They can command (almost)anyone in their site. At the site they are undercommand by the O5 Council. The Sire Director Can be seen as an intern O5 Council member, who works directly below the O5 Council to acquire more in-depth knowledge of the Foundation's operations.

What is the O5 Council?: The O5 Council is responsible for the entire foundation  He Oversees the foundations and the Site Directors No one can command over the O5 Council they also oversee everything in the foundation

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-1 this is just extremely underdetailed 

33 minutes ago, Wire said:

The O5 Council is responsible for the entire foundation  He Oversees the foundations and the Site Directors No one can command over the O5 Council they also oversee everything in the foundation

The wierd capitalization in this makes it look like you copy and pasted this from somewhere , that said it's a bad answer so it might just be some phone autocorrection.

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Never heard of you before
So many spelling and grammar mistakes, I'm not sure you're 16
Thinks the O5 Council is a single person??

Sorry bud, I know the feeling of getting rejected by multiple things, but a lot of the info on this app is incorrect

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simple been banned for a week by me for o toxic

The answer to the O5 council question is wrong and also terribly written.

not even seen him play a foundation administration job ( when I’m on which is usually all day as schools cancelled)

app has poor grammar and word choice which shows no actual effort put into app








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Your application for site director has been DENIED

Extremely lacking details and possibly copied. If you copy again you will be blacklisted.

You may reapply in a week.

O5-5 "The Survivor"

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