
Serpents hand (custom job)

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I moved from England, Oxford to ovis City when I was 23 years old I had a decent life, good education, even got into and finished Oxford University, everything was good but I just needed to relax and I wanted thinking space and just wanted a simple peaceful life, I just came to a realisation nothing really mattered is just mattered in our heads, expensive watches, expensive cars I had the knowledge but simply did not get a job at that time. So I moved to ovis City, heard it was very peaceful there, not many residents it was perfect and brought an apartment and settled in. I was looking for a job, just a good pay job to support my necessary needs like food, water maybe some entertainment like TV you know basic stuff, and I came across a group called Marshall carter and dark. They first simply introduced the group as a group that sells weapons, drugs and they also said it would make a lot of money fast so I started to work there. As more I worked the more they trusted me, then eventually the talk about the foundation I found out about these SCPs and MTFs and all that and knew why sometimes wierd things happened in the city and why there were armed men walking around. And I just thought what if they would just be with us instead of locked away, it would be beneficial in a way, some would just be predetors some would just be harmless. If they existed with us it would help all. Then I met a women from a group called serpents hand, she did not tell me her name she just said to call her miss serpent and so I did, she had magical powers, abilitys that should not be natural like making electricity from no where and creating portals. We talked and talked and I learnt about the serpents hand and how they also believe SCPs should be free, that they should Co exist with us. The person then showed me the wanderers library a place with all knowledge. I asked about what her magic abilitys were and she said thaumology and I managed to grasp that they were one with the universe and they just got energy in a certain space, and portals are wormholes in a way, it connected one part of the universe to the other. I then asked if there was a book I could borrow to study these powers and slowly got the starts of it like creating small sparks and making fire in my handsi slowly mastered these after years I understood it and made it, I then learnt more powers like propulsion were I just simply propel my self forward and making portals, and my last power I learnt was to go invisible I managed to make particles around me, cover me and so I learnt the art of thaumology. At the age of 38, 15 years since I moved in I gained ultimate knowledge, ultimate peace and even learnt the art of thaumology. 

What my character does:


Fire magic

Electric magic



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10 minutes ago, Rusty said:

Smh. Jacked version of Wildfire.

And even I know that's too much. 

Bro, one swep is fine. Then you can;

Enchant (RP)

Set up barriers (RP)

Banish ghosts'n shit (Through RP)

Interact with GOC and Foundation (RP)

I suggest you lower your list of "necessities" down to 1-2.

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7 hours ago, Lorex Krato said:

Bro, one swep is fine. Then you can;

Enchant (RP)

Set up barriers (RP)

Banish ghosts'n shit (Through RP)

Interact with GOC and Foundation (RP)

I suggest you lower your list of "necessities" down to 1-2.

you mispelt becoming GOC cumbucket lol!!!!

insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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