Serafim Ivonov

Serafim Ivonov's SD Application

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In Game Name: Serafim Ivonov

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:122807725

Age: 14

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: Lieutenant Colonel on Gaminglight MilitaryRP (Temporarily shut down) - Often play as HoS, SA, and External Affairs Agent

Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: I feel I will be a good Site Director because of my ability to manage and work units well, also while under stress. And, given that I am in constant contact with anyone holding a CL4+ keycard, I believe I could keep the site out of dangerous situations. Situations such as breaches, where I could give the order for Security Guards and Nu-7 to direct all unarmed personnel to a breach shelter, or a facility raid , where I would order all Nu-7 to the attackers position, while other MTF/security units direct unarmed personnel to a secure location.

What role does the Site Director have on the site?: The Site Director maintains the highest power on site (unless an O5 Council Member, or someone holding a CL5 keycard, is present) and ensures the site runs smoothly while keeping anomalies and Class D personnel contained. They are responsible for the majority, if not all, of the site's functions and security. Site Directors attend all meetings, interrogations and debriefs on site to ensure they go as planned.

What is the O5 Council?: The O5 Council are the overseers of the Foundation and all its operations. They are the highest-ranking directors, and always applied as Class A. They have complete access to every Foundation facility and all their information, and are the only ones, aside from few other select staff, who hold the Clearance Level 5 keycard. The identities of the O5 Council are a closely guarded secret, arresting, interrogating, and applying amnestics to those who discovers any part of their personal information.
Additional Info: "An O5 walks into a room, and everyone pisses their pants. That's what happens when you hold supreme power over one of the scariest organizations in world history." - SCP Database

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Alright imma give my opinion but i guess noone wil give 2 shits about it.

15 hours ago, Communism said:

Situations such as breaches, where I could give the order for Security Guards and Nu-7 to direct all unarmed personnel to a breach shelter

Thats literally a standard breach proceedure but often lvl 10 Security guards dont even know what breach shelter is, Nu7 isnt on site to direct unarmed perosnnel to breach shelter thats more likely E-11,B7 or maybe even Security force if they are competent enough.

15 hours ago, Communism said:

or a facility raid , where I would order all Nu-7 to the attackers position, while other MTF/security units direct unarmed personnel to a secure location.

Your order would most likely kill the Nu-7 charging at the attackers btw.


15 hours ago, Communism said:

Additional Info: "An O5 walks into a room, and everyone pisses their pants. That's what happens when you hold supreme power over one of the scariest organizations in world history." - SCP Database


> Never really saw you play SA,DOEA or anything regarding Foundation administration

-1 I personally wouldnt trust you with the job but that's just my opinion.

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1 hour ago, Kinqu said:

Alright imma give my opinion but i guess noone wil give 2 shits about it.

Thats literally a standard breach proceedure but often lvl 10 Security guards dont even know what breach shelter is, Nu7 isnt on site to direct unarmed perosnnel to breach shelter thats more likely E-11,B7 or maybe even Security force if they are competent enough.

Your order would most likely kill the Nu-7 charging at the attackers btw.



> Never really saw you play SA,DOEA or anything regarding Foundation administration

-1 I personally wouldnt trust you with the job but that's just my opinion.

Correct, it is a standard breach procedure, but since the security team is usually made up of newbies, they usually don't do that, then haul their ass into HCZ disrupting B-7 and/or E-11 who are actually making efforts to contain the anomaly instead of running at it and shooting it. You're right about the security often being dumb, but ffs, E-11 and B-7 are containment units, they contain the breach. Nu-7 is there to protect the facility from hacks and raids, among other tasks. Speaking of Nu-7, they got whitelisted for a reason. They aren't just gonna charge in and die, they have and make plans. Additionally, since Nu-7 don't usually operate in HCZ or LCZ, they will still have enough time to at least get to a defensive position when they get arrive before the hack finishes. And for the SA playtime, I wouldn't know, but I have enough time on it to have made my own EZ and office dupe. The quote from the database is to show just how much power the O5 Council has in the world.

Edited by Communism
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Your application for site director has been DENIED

While I was on the fence on this one I chose to rather deny you as I wasn't convinced that you would make a good site director off that section. If you give me more examples and reasons I might change my opinion.

You may reapply in a week.

O5-5 "The Survivor"

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