Sippy Cup


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I was playing as SCP-173, got stuck in a wall and couldn't teleport out. I asked a mod to tp me out, (since i was just breached), and he tp'ed me to 4 people standing in a circle. 2 of them were combatives, (AKA E-11). Anyways, I was no where near that location. She tp'ed me somewhere else to contain me where 2 E-11 were waiting. in the videos, I threaten that I have it on vid and demand a sorry. He gave it to me, stating that she did what I said. Heres their ID: STEAM_0:1:427293255 Their in-game name: Lt Elwan Barttman or something. check the video for their full name. and their profile:




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First of all, a admin sit was created due to you being stuck on the wall and you said i was stuck. I brought you from the last place you were during the RP. It isnt "abuse" carrying on the RP from where it last left off, even if you got yourself out. You would of been taken to containment due to them looking at you in the face.

Also i TPed you to the middle of the room, where they wernt standing and you moved away. They gives you more than enough time to escape if you can move yourself.

This "abuse" thread is nothing else from me making sure the RP carried on from where it left off. Also that isn't evidence, it shows in ooc your messages.

Edited by Bansheey






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They were standing around me. On my screen, I was still in the wall. Such lies. Also, when I was tp'ed they all were looking at me. Would've expected a moderator to not take advantaged of their power and for fill that with lies to get out of punishments. Very disappointing indeed.

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Should the situation even be true, it's not... malicious? I don't see why this is a full admin abuse thread instead of a simple OOC message calling Ewan Scottish or something. The situation was dealt with well and it just happened to end in re-containment. -1.

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Not abuse

But looking at chat idk why Banshee kept crying in OOC instead of TP'ing and making it more private (ik that has fuck all to do with the actual point but just saying) just kinda unprofessional, on to the actual point at hand, not abuse, He ended the sit to resume into the current RP situation

omgie scp penut breach over wtf!!!!!! 

Edited by Lando Lovelace

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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Alright, well I guess I did over react slightly. Sorry for the confusion. Just my point of view seemed realistic. Sorry for carrying on and such.  Sorry, Bansheey, I hope this sorry makes it up. I'm also locking this threat since there's no point in keeping it up. 😆

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4 hours ago, Sippy Cup said:

Alright, well I guess I did over react slightly. Sorry for the confusion. Just my point of view seemed realistic. Sorry for carrying on and such.  Sorry, Bansheey, I hope this sorry makes it up. I'm also locking this threat since there's no point in keeping it up. 😆

Reformed Pog

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