
Bango True Report

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Your name in-game:
- Plumpus

Admin's you report name:
- Bango True

Admin's you report SteamID:
- STEAM_0:0:208616849

Why do you want him demoted?:
- Incentivising Mingery; Mingery; Unprofessionalism; Failing to do Staff Job.


The context for the following video was that Bango True (at the time pinochio) was going a Shrek Play (or something like that), by 457 CC with a couple of questionable people who were breaking server rules in the process, while Bango True did nothing to stop this situation, infact participating and promoting this kind of behavior on the server, as a Staff Member.


Once again, Bango True among his friend where abusing the radio tool, playing earrapes and generally minging on the server. 

It is quite ironic that Bango True rages everytime someone calls him a "captona" or "minge", despites he still shows that behavior even as Staff. Bango True is the same guy who claims to not be biased at anytime, to be a semi-serious RPer and that perma banned Urano Rock for a slightly less mingy behavior.
I DMed him asking for some answers about his permaban. If required i can send the whole text as i have no problems with it. Here are the quotes that i mentioned previously:

(me asking if he knew someone who did serious rp, as he said that you always must have to RP)

(me asking if he had a biased against Urano because of the forum posts that he did)

So now here is the question. Is it acceptable to most of the current SCPRP Staff Team constantly abuse their power and do mingery, when normal players that do the exact same thing or even less get perma banned for it? Should we have to be the janitors of the community and do SMT job? 

Either ways i will let people make a decision (which seems pretty obvious). Also stop demoting people for "harassing staff" when all they did was provide evidences to clear abuses 🙂 Bread has nothing to do with this reports or "harassment" or whatever you call it. We only asked for evidences and he provided them

Peace, Plumpus

Edited by Plumpus
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Well I am for once surprised by the amount of effort that went into this post, the 1st and 2nd video were really explained but the 3rd doe slack solid evidence really other than DMs. For a staff member to be acting this way is really not acceptable. Now some might beg to differ for the first video since it wasnt in a populated area such as the crossroads or ez big room but with the amount of people there and the flashing lights it would be very easy for people to go and join in and after 096 breaches and goes there E11 and other containment units that want to RP have to go get 096 which doesnt want to RP. 

2nd video as we can see the club is an open space that anyone can visit. It was populated, the evidence of stream radios being masss spawned to produce an irritating sound is obvious. Some context before might be missing such as the admin telling people to not come there unless they want ooc interactions but other that were there can deny or confirm. 

3rd point is the Urano ban. It is a weak point as of the moment due to the evidence only being cut up DMs and no in game photographs or videos. 

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This isnt admin abuse, this is a ban/warn request...i didnt abuse any admin powers here.
This was at first someone just singing near 457 which then turned into a shrek play. 
Shortly after this recording (which was mainly outside) i deleted all the props.
What happened in EZ Big barely included me and hanz gassed everyone in there anyway.
The fact you mention my ban on the clearly NH2RP Urano who was spamming the chat with "nigger nigger nigger" and admin chat, he also did impostor sus shit and called himself "frederick captona" and went on to minge for the whole day leads me to believe you post this simply to revenge/avenge him.
I should have deleted everything sooner and for that i am a bit stupid so yeah this should be a ban request / warn request.

Edited by Bango
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1 hour ago, Bango said:


Interesting explanation of the 1st and 3rd point. You knock the 3rd point out of the play really because it was weak. The 1st point you do admit your wrong doings but you also try to pin some on Hanz which is understandable since he did kill most of the party that did the failrp. I would still like to hear about the 2nd point. Last thing is that you might think this is not admin abuse but I beg to differ, as a staff member the community expects you to be trustworthy and someone who wouldnt use their position for self gain or pleasure but rather for the communities gain and pleasure. 

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Let's go boys , by tomorrow there wont be any staff left.


-1 i think this is people having fun , who cares if people do this in clearly non RP situations , you could probably make a similar post on most of staff imo

Edit: Changing to a neutral Cause this behavior might be acceptable from players but not from staff .

Edited by Fayne™
I never met my deal ladder
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15 minutes ago, Fayne™ said:

Let's go boys , by tomorrow there wont be any staff left.


-1 i think this is people having fun , who cares if people do this in clearly non RP situations , you could probably make a similar post on most of staff imo

true but still, there is a line and this stuff has crossed it.

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There is certain stuff, you can certainally call "having fun", but I fail how spamming ear rape radius, or in the first clip having / allowing other people to have FailRP Names .... is fun.

If a staff member breaks certains rules which are specificly made to stop other players from being annoying (Radio) rules, I fail seeing how that is "having fun", someone even calling out "who played the horrible noises" means they are allready annoyed by it, and that would be a very good sign for a normal staff member to stop.

And in the first clip, how can having a failRP name be seen as having "fun"? The only way I see stuff like this being fun, is if you have fun by being a "rebell" and breaking the rules.

And while its not "abuse" in a tradtional sense, it is Breaking the Staff rules, and it is tierable.

Worst case Scenraio: Bango gets a Single Perm Tier [Which is the same as 2 Temp Tiers] , which at his rank means automatic removal from the Staff Team.

For the 3rd Part of your post, by technicallity it doesn't matter, being a hypocrite isn't disallowed, even if its not good behvaiour.

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Staff Member will be temp tiered and demoted by one rank.

4 hours ago, Plumpus said:

Either ways i will let people make a decision (which seems pretty obvious). Also stop demoting people for "harassing staff" when all they did was provide evidences to clear abuses 🙂 Bread has nothing to do with this reports or "harassment" or whatever you call it. We only asked for evidences and he provided them

On the topic of this, Bread was demoted from staff because instead of giving the evidence to me in DMs he instead decided it would be a good idea to instead send it in a Discord full of players who have been perma banned from SCP (Most of which for drama/toxicity), directly or indirectly causing people to spam alt accounts on the forums and direct mass amounts of harassment towards a now ex member of staff. Even in regards to this report, I asked him about this exact situation a week ago and he never provided this video and was very vague about what happened.

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