Ace Rews

Ace Rews Salesman App

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Common Roleplay Name: Ace Rews

Steam Name: Agent 58

Discord Name: Agent 58#9460

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:125490092

Your Current Warns (15 warn limit, take a screenshot): 



This warn was around 2019 time and I think it may have been the first time I ever played MC&D and since then I have certainly got more familiar with the sever rules and make sure I always think whilst doing gaming and I haven't made a mistake since then which I feel like is a massive improvement. (My PC wound not Print Screen but the warns Says: Warn by :Anton Wolvenclaw , Making Fake id as a bouncer, Sun Mar 24 2019)

Your Current Playtime: My current playtime on the sever is 1W 4D 16H 54Mins

Why do you want to join MC&D?: I want to join MC&D and be the salesman because want to be that key leading role for the Agents and Bouncers as soon as I join the sever. And a lot of the time when I'm online there is not always a salesman online and there are a lot of above surfaces GOI's . Another reason why I want to join the MC&D is to be leading the RP for my fellow colleagues and because I am online quite frequently I can play as the salesman and make the sever a lot more interesting as I'm not scared to get involved with situations and most of the time I can make good contact with GOI and expand the business as far as I possibly can within the limit I am online and make it funnier for everyone. The salesman requires someone who is mature and and has a lot of sense when it comes to business and I know I am that person as I have been around playing MC&D for a while now so I see all the nooks and cranny's  and the best way to business it to be wealthy and have the best customers and me being the salesman will ensure that at all times.

How often do you play Bouncer/Agent: When I am playing above surface the main join I will go to is Agent. I choose Agent because it has a lot more to it than bouncers as we can go out and venture for certain things like anomaly's and I feel like Agent and Sales get the best out of Roleplaying whilst being on the sever. Also sometimes when I play as Agent there wont be any salesmen on so it makes the feel of the roleplay low as there is no leader and no one to command which is a big factor of the MC&D.

Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer): Before applying to this application I have been thinking about for the last few days and I have gone through the code of conduct to make sure I get nothing wrong at all and play the best RP and all times for other players on the sever who may be involved with me such as Agents and Bouncers and other GOI that may approach me.



Yours Sincerely , Ace Rews

Ace Rews 

Current Ranks:

Scp - Executive Administrator 

Scp - Lead Discord Support

Scp - Group Manager

Head Of External Affairs - HOEA

Unusual Incidents Unit - Manager- Head Of Obama Branch 

Ethics Committee - Head Of Staff

Head Of Manufacturing  - Keters Bitch

GRU Division "P" - Soldat

Chaos Insurgency Delta - A.C.E



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very cool

have seen you in game seem like a nice guy

Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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